Research Report
Unraveling the Secrets
A journal of interconnecting facts
Page One:
You Can't Work With a Sore Peter
The voters have confirmed that the controllers choice for our next leader and the socialist agenda of the left is the needed change in direction they would like to see our country heading. That is of course if the outcome of our elections were not already programmed into the computer before we went in to use them. Many believe that to be the case. Either way the fact that we now have a governing body of folks who historical and factual have ties to the Illuminati's planned path to total control and the teachings of Wilhelm Wundt without a peep of concern from our fellow citizens is amazing to me. Wundt was a proponent of the Hegelian philosophical ideas and he used the Hegelian dialectic as his starting point i.e. "The State is superior to the Individual." He could also be called the father of our higher learning institutions including Yale. and Obama's educational institute, Harvard.
This major blatent shift towards this anti-individual freedom point of view and the inevitable future of the government taking control of every aspect of our lives only proves without a doubt that the takeover of public education, media and the nations monetary system during the last century has created the outcome the elitist had hoped for. It's quite obvious that the populace is ready to give up freedom in exchange for more governmental "protection" i.e. control over our lives. The late patriot William Cooper hit the nail on the head when he started classifying most of the people of our republic as "sheeple." He based this on the fact that most of us were blindly following the "bad guys," unquestionably using their implanted misinformation as undisputed truth, down a path towards total destruction of individualism and the unique freedoms we as U.S. citizens enjoy. Well, the sheeple have spoken. The liberal left, or as they like to be called "the progressives," now control every part of our governing body except the supreme court. And that's not far away. So What's in store for us next ?
None Dare Call it Socialism
Actually we've already had a peek at things to come. It all started with Joe the Plummer. I'm sure that in the view of the controllers Obama screwed up when he answered Joe's question regarding his idea of tax reform. Any fallout over the next president revealing that his true financial agenda would come straight from the plans put forth by Carl Marx in the Communist Manifesto "from each according to their means, to each according to their needs" - more popularly known as redistributing the wealth - was something the spin doctors would have rather not had to face at this time.
And as can be expected most of the mainstream press fell in line and chose to ignore the full impact of Obama's remarks, giving the controllers hope that the statement would not come under scrutiny. But . . .
Barbara West, a long time professional reporter and now the anchor at WFTV in Florida asked Vice Presidential hopeful Biden the no-no question regarding their socialistic plan for the economy and about Obama's involvement with the ballot box stuffing crowd at Acorn. Immediately following the interview Joe got in touch with the Obama/Biden handlers and placed an order of censure on the "offending" TV station. Next it was a Philly TV stations anchor who asked the same questions along with a few other hard-hitting questions and Biden immediately had them locked out from future interviews also! Looks like the Democrats are using a page from an old Republican "Tricky" Dick Nixon playbook.
Lesson learned: Don't bring up this new administration's socialistic agenda or you'll be sorry.
The Obama camps next move was to investigate Joe the Plummer! Who's next? Me? You?
Media censorship. Investigating private citizens who pick up the rocks and expose the snakes hidden underneath. . . . And this cabal is not even in power yet! Welcome to the remnents of the Republic our forefathers left us . . . Hence forward to be known as the New Marxist-Socialist Democracy of the United States.
Share the Wealth, nothing new in the U.S.

Actually the idea of sharing the wealth almost turned our country's ideology in an entirely different direction once before. It was way back during the depression of the 1930s. In fact the only thing that stopped this shift in idology from happening was a "lone assassin," with a cheap Saturday night special and a bullet. Later in this report we'll take a look at the original "share the wealth" plan and the man who envisioned it, the late Senator Huey P. Long of Loisuiana who, without a doubt, was the most controversial United States politician who ever lived.
But be it Huey Long's plan or Obama's the clearest description, and one that will immediately stop any argument in favor of the unworkable idea of redistributing the wealth was told to me many years ago;
"Sharing the wealth is actually robbing Peter to pay Paul. This would tend to make Peter mad. And, as everyone knows, you can't work with a sore Peter." . . . source forgotten.
REAL New News
Stuff the mainstream press might not consider to be newsworthy.
Bloomberg News Sues Fed to Disclose Collateral From Taxpayer Loans to Banks
November 10, 2008 9:25 AM
Bloomberg News today filed a lawsuit to force the U.S. government -- specifically the Federal Reserve -- to disclose which securities it is accepting as collateral for $1.5 trillion of loans to banks, such as Citigroup Inc. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (This doesn't include the $700 billion bailout package). [continue]
The document Bloomberg LP vs. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System can be perused HERE.
Former NASA Scientist Reveals "Forbidden Technologies'
Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2008
From: Marco Wutzer
Re: Technology For Personal & Planetary Healing
Dear Friend,
I want to introduce you to the most important man you will ever meet - but have probably NEVER heard about. His name is Dr. Fred Bell. . . [Continue]
Waging War In The Non Existent Battlefield Of Cyberspace
Washington (UPI) Nov 10, 2008 - Prompted by the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Internet revolution, Network Centric Warfare has become one of the latest iterations in attempts by the Department of Defense to formulate a coherent framework to transform our military forces and address future threats. It became the centerpiece of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's attempt to transform the U.S. military. . . . [more]
US left nuclear weapon buried under Greenland ice
London (AFP) Nov 11, 2008 - The United States abandoned a nuclear weapon under the ice in northern Greenland after it was lost following a plane crash in 1968, the BBC reportedMonday. Using testimony of those involved and declassified documents obtained under the US Freedom of Information Act, it said that despite a desperate search of the crash site near a US military base at Thule, the weapon was never found. . . . [continue]
Alternative Energy Sources
Tiny Solar Cells Built To Power Microscopic Machines
Some of the tiniest solar cells ever built have been successfully tested as a power source for even tinier microscopic machines. An article in the inaugural issue of the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JRSE), published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP), describes an inch-long array of 20 of these cells -- each one about a quarter the size of a lowercase "o" in a standard 12-point font.The cells were made of an organic polymer and were joined together in an experiment aimed at proving their ability to power tiny devices that can be used to detect chemical leaks and for other applications, says Xiaomei Jiang, who led the research at the University of South Florida. [continue]
Dutch homes get warm water from disused coal mine
by Staff Writers
Heerlen, Netherlands (AFP) Nov 11, 2008 - Disused for more than 30 years, a Dutch mine that once yielded polluting coal has been revived as a source of greener energy -- heating household radiators using warm water flooding its abandoned shafts.
Claimed by its originators to be the world's first such energy generator, the "Mine Water Project" in the south-western Limburg province went into operation last month, heating some 350 homes and businesses in a newly built neighborhood in Heerlen. . . [continue]
Global Warming/Global Cooling:
Take your Pick
Sea Ice Growing at Fastest Pace on Record
Rapid Rebound Brings Ice Back to Levels from the 1980s.
An abnormally cool Arctic is seeing dramatic changes to ice levels. In sharp contrast to the rapid melting seen last year, the amount of global sea ice has rebounded sharply and is now growing rapidly. The total amount of ice, which set a record low value last year, grew in October at the fastest pace since record-keeping began in 1979. . . [continue]
Arctic Sea Ice Decline Shakes Up Ocean Ecosystems
Stanford CA (SPX) Nov 10, 2008 - Uncertain as to how phytoplankton -- microscopic marine plants on which much of ocean life depends -- would respond to Arctic sea ice decline, researchers took advantage of NASA satellite images to show that the microscopic floating plants are teeming in regions of recent ice melt. The explosion in phytoplankton populations is the result of new open-water habitat and, more significantly ... [More]
After 2 centuries of shrinking, Alaska glaciers got thicker this year
Two hundred years of glacial shrinkage in Alaska, and then came the winter and summer of 2007-2008. Unusually large amounts of winter snow were followed by unusually chill temperatures in June, July and August.
"In mid-June, I was surprised to see snow still at sea level in Prince William Sound," said U.S. Geological Survey glaciologist Bruce Molnia. "On the Juneau Icefield, there was still 20 feet of new snow on the surface of the Taku Glacier in late July. At Bering Glacier, a landslide I am studying, located at about 1,500 feet elevation, did not become snow free until early August". . . . [continue]
In Search of Subterranean Secrets
Scholar finds Mayans' buried highway through hell
TZIBICHEN CENOTE, Mexico (AP) - Legend says the afterlife for ancient Mayas was a terrifying obstacle course in which the dead had to traverse rivers of blood, and chambers full of sharp knives, bats and jaguars.
Now a Mexican archaeologist using long-forgotten testimony from the Spanish Inquisition says a series of caves he has explored may be the place where the Maya actually tried to depict this highway through hell.
The network of underground chambers, roads and temples beneath farmland and jungle on the Yucatan peninsula suggests the Maya fashioned them to mimic the journey to the underworld, or Xibalba, described in ancient mythological texts such as the Popol Vuh. [continue]
Geomagnetic navigation system for underground malls developed
Wednesday 12th November, 06:46 AM JST
Aichi Steel Corp said Tuesday it has developed a navigation system employing a geomagnetic sensor that can provide location information and directions in underground shopping malls.
The system—comprising a geomagnetic sensor, an acceleration sensor and a microprocessor—can display current location and directions, even in underground shopping malls where radio waves for satellite-based global positioning systems cannot be received, according to the company, which belongs to a group of firms led by Toyota Motor Corp. Aichi Steel said it has begun selling a module incorporating the two sensors and the microprocessor as well as associated underground navigation software to cell phone manufacturers, adding it wants cellphone makers to release handsets incorporating the underground navigation system in the fall of 2009. [complete report]
Who they kidding! What's the real reason for developing this underground navigational system? I mean just how many underground malls are there in the world? And of those how many are so large that people need a device in order to know where they are while in these malls? Most people would simple look at the mall map located throughout every mall I've ever been in and move on to their destination, Starbucks or wherever. My gut feeling is there is more to this device than sinply giving people a way to use their cell phones to find directions in underground malls. GET REAL, spin doctors!
Ongoing Polar Watch
Mystery Deepens Over Unseen Antarctic "Alps"
Rebecca Carrollfor National Geographic News
November 6, 2008
The existence of a massive Antarctic mountain range buried under miles of ice has become an even deeper mystery, a new study says.
The little-researched Gamburtsev Mountains seem to challenge geologic patterns seen in other mountain ranges on Earth. For one, the range is situated in the middle of the continent instead of on the edge-at the plate-tectonic boundaries-like most other mountains. [complete report]
(See a high-resolution map of Antarctica.)
Where's the mystery? Somebody better go out and do a study of that area of the world from a hollow globe point of view. But it will never happen. The "mystery" has already been turned over to the spin Phds. Beside everyone knows the earth isn't hollow. we learn that in school Point made.
EU makes pitch for 'unified' Arctic research
Monaco (AFP) Nov 10, 2008 - The European Union (EU) called here Monday for countries to pool data from scientific research in the Arctic to help give the world a barometer of global warming. French Ecology Minister Jean-Louis Borloo, whose country is current president of the EU, said it was time for a "unified" research effort to find out what was happening in the northern polar regions. "Research is not being ...
Editor's Pick:
Website of the Month
Ignorance is Futile!
U.S. Technological Totalitarianism & World Domination
The Never Ending War on Drugs
DEA complicit in drug trade, says Morales
Agence France-Presse
Published: Thursday November 6, 2008
Morales says evidence will be presented to President Obama.
Bolivian leader Evo Morales on Thursday accused the US government of encouraging drug-trafficking as he explained his decision to banish the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Morales, a staunch opponent of the Washington government, said the staff from the US agency had three months to prepare to leave the country, because "the DEA did not respect the police, or even the (Bolivian) armed forces."
"The worst thing is, it did not fight drug trafficking; It encouraged it," the Bolivian leader said, adding that he had "quite a bit of evidence" backing up his charges. [continue]
Of course this is not new news by any means and tons of evidence has already been presented to government officials over the years. Bo Gritz first exposed the government's involvement in the importation of drugs into our country in his excellent 1991 autobiography, Called to Serve.
Bo presents evidence of government involvement in drug trafficking: [Youtube].
Mysterious Transportation
Man wakes up 1,000 feet from the ground
A mystery is puzzling the inhabitants of Corrego Bananalzinho, rural area of the city of Rio Bananal [Espírito Santo, Brazil]. Construction worker Odair Jose Berti, 35, doesn't know how he ended up atop a rock around 1,000 feet high, where he stood for 17 hours. He was rescued by the firemen in a risky operation that lasted for 12 hours and ended yesterday's night.
Even to the experienced firemen that were there, such as sergeants Jose Ailton and Caldeira, the event doesn't have a logical explanation. According to them, access to the top of the rock is extremely difficult, even with the use of proper equipment. . . . [continue]
Digging for Ancient Civilizations
King Herod's Tomb Found!!
Dig unearths ancient Turkish treasures
Above ground, the Istanbul suburb of Yenikapi is a normal, modern-day bustling port on the Marmaris Sea. But beneath the waters, its newly discovered treasures are rewriting the history books. So far, 32 wooden ships, Stone Age skeletons, coins, amphorae and even a basket full of ancient cherries have been uncovered in an area that is thought to have been the first Byzantine port of the ancient city of Constantinople. [more]
Egypt says has found pyramid built for ancient queen
SAQQARA, Egypt (Reuters) - Egyptian archaeologists have discovered a pyramid buried in the desert and thought to belong to the mother of a pharaoh who ruled more than 4,000 years ago, Egypt's antiquities chief said on Tuesday. [complete report]
Spacey Stuff
NASA: Magnetic Portals Connect Sun and Earth
Oct. 30, 2008: During the time it takes you to read this article, something will happen high overhead that until recently many scientists didn't believe in. A magnetic portal will open, linking Earth to the sun 93 million miles away. Tons of high-energy particles may flow through the opening before it closes again, around the time you reach the end of the page.[ complete report]
Dusty Shock Waves Generate Planet Ingredients
by Staff WritersPasadena CA (SPX)
Nov 12, 2008
Shock waves around dusty, young stars might be creating the raw materials for planets, according to new observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
The evidence comes in the form of tiny crystals. Spitzer detected crystals similar in make-up to quartz around young stars just beginning to form planets. The crystals, called cristobalite and tridymite, are known to reside in comets, in volcanic lava flows on Earth, and in some meteorites that land on Earth. [complete report]
Flying Saucer Reports
Continuing the Research of Raymond A. Palmer, the first UFO investigator
By Anthony Bragalia
How are the Secrets of the Nation revealed to incoming presidents? Who reveals? What is said? Is everything told them? Briefing these secrets to the new Commander-In-Chief is in itself a necessarily veiled process. Precisely how it is done -and what is said- remains unknowable. We can surmise that details were related on matters of national security and on matters of international import. But does this intelligence briefing extend to intelligence on things cosmic? Is our new leader told that Man is not alone in the universe? Is he made aware that a craft from another world crashed in our country six decades ago? Does the new President know about Roswell? [continue]
Alleged briefing to President Reagan on UFOs posted online
by Steve Hammons
Posted: 14:00 November 2, 2008
What is claimed to be a transcript of a 1981 intelligence briefing to President Ronald Reagan about UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation to Earth was posted on the Web site on Oct. 30, 2007.
According to the moderator of the Web site and a related e-mail stream discussion list, the transcript is from a briefing Reagan received at Camp David, Maryland, between Friday and Sunday, March 6 and 8, 1981. [report]
Is this a UFO in a photo from the Apollo 16 mission?
Ian Brockwell
November 08, 2008
Apollo 16 (April 16-27, 1972) was the tenth manned mission in the Apollo program and the fifth mission to land on the Moon, the first to land in the highlands area. Crewed by John W. Young, T. Kenneth Mattingly Jr. and Charles M. Duke Jr.
A photo taken from Apollo 16 as it was leaving the moon appeared to show a strange object to the left of the image, was this a UFO as some have claimed? Continue w/ photo
Lower Hudson residents stand by UFO sightings of 1980s
One generation ago, a boomerang-shaped sight as bright as a city street and as big as a football field spooked the night skies of the Lower Hudson Valley, dissipating into such mixed reactions for some 7,200 people who saw it that it never really congealed into the cosmic public event that it was.
Instead, it settled deeper into the realm of legend. [complete]
I-Team: Witness: Mystery on the River
The FAA and other public agencies say they have no idea what plummeted from the sky and plowed into the ground near the Colorado River back in May. But numerous eyewitnesses saw it and they saw the flotilla of helicopters that arrived soon after to retrieve it.
This can rightfully be called a UFO crash, since the object is, as yet, unidentified.
When the I-Team first reported on it back in July, we told you about a key eyewitness who had seen the crash up close and then dropped out of sight. It took awhile, but we found him.
Continue this ongoing investigation/ w video
Robbie Williams Uses His Tattoos To Make Contact With Aliens
Anne Lu - Celebrity News Service News Writer
London, England (BANG) - Robbie Williams is using his tattoos to make contact with aliens.
The singer has the ancient Egyptian symbol the Eye of Horus - also known as the Udjat which represents the Cosmos and is a symbol protection from evil forces - etched onto the back of his neck.
The symbol is also used by the U.S. research organization Enlightened Contact With Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECTI), who Robbie recently spent time with tracking UFOs. [continue]
Unknown Co-Planetarians
The Story of James Casbolt & Project Mannequin
(Sep. 8, 2008)
James Casbolt has written one of the most revealing exposes to date on secret government operations and the ultra secret NSA mind control operation called Project Mannequin. While he reviews known specifics of government involvement with aliens, much of his information is new, especially with regards to U.K. underground covert operations. Subjected to mind control programming from earliest childhood, he began to recover his memories about two years ago and continues de-programming therapy to the present day. [complete detailed report]
Eyeballin' the New World Order
United Kingdom Report
Brown calls for new world order
Prime Minister Gordon Brown believes the world financial crisis offers the opportunity to establish a "truly global society".
Mr. Brown will use a high-profile speech in the City of London to say that Britain, the US and Europe should join together to provide leadership in the creation of a "stronger and more just international order".
He wants this weekend's emergency summit of world leaders in Washington to reach consensus on a new framework for the international financial system, featuring a reformed IMF which will act as a global early-warning system for financial problems, he will say.
The Prime Minister promised to work with US President-elect Obama to build a new global society in which the markets are subjected to morality and ordinary people's interests are put first. . . Continue
Government black boxes will 'collect every email'
Home Office says all data from web could be stored in giant government database
By Robert Verkaik, Law EditorWednesday, 5 November 2008
Internet "black boxes" will be used to collect every email and web visit in the UK under the Government's plans for a giant "big brother" database, The Independent has learnt.
Home Office officials have told senior figures from the internet and telecommunications industries that the "black box" technology could automatically retain and store raw data from the web before transferring it to a giant central database controlled by the Government. [continue]
Republican Warns of Obama Dictatorship
WASHINGTON (Nov. 11) - A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist dictatorship.
"It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," Rep. Paul Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may - may not, I hope not - but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."
"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun said. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist." [continue]
Members of President-elect Obama's Transition Economic Advisory Board, as provided by Obama's office:
_Warren Buffett
_Robert Reich, Council on Foreign Relations New World Order
_Robert Rubin, Robert E. Rubin - Council on Foreign Relations
_Lawrence Summers, Lawrence H. Summers - Council on Foreign Relations
_Paul Volcker,Paul A. Volcker - Council on Foreign Relations
_Eric Schmidt,Eric Schmidt - Council on Foreign Relations
_Antonio Villaraigosa,Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to Address the Pacific Council at the ...
Money Honey
" . . . The Democratic White House hopeful said he did not think a return to the gold standard was a good idea and noted that the U.S. currency was strong in the 1990s, even though there was no gold standard. Obama blamed the U.S. currency's decline on President George W. Bush's fiscal policies." Source
Dems Target Private Retirement Accounts
By Karen McMahan
Democrats in the U.S. House have been conducting hearings on proposals to confiscate workers' personal retirement accounts -including 401(k)s and IRAs - and convert them to accounts managed by the Social Security Administration
Triggered by the financial crisis the past two months, the hearings reportedly were meant to stem losses incurred by many workers and retirees whose 401(k) and IRA balances have been shrinking rapidly. The testimony of Teresa Ghilarducci, professor of economic policy analysis at the New School for Social Research in New York, in hearings Oct. 7 drew the most attention and criticism. Testifying for the House Committee on Education and Labor, Ghilarducci proposed that the government eliminate tax breaks for 401(k) and similar retirement accounts, such as IRAs, and confiscate workers'[ retirement plan accounts and convert them to universal Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs) managed by the Social Security Administration. [report]
In this time of living green I think that recycling is very important and I like to do my share. With that thought in mind I'm re-issuing this report that I wrote for my History in Perspective column which ran during the 1990s in the Nassau Observer (Yulee, Florida) newspaper. This article was published in December 1995. (Sorry I can't give you an exact date. It isn't on the news clipping I am copying from and the newspaper is no longer in existence).
And I will confess. The real reason I'm using it instead of writng a new report is it gives me a chance to insert the report into this archive. And besides . . . This article is not dated a bit. The problems of 12 years ago remain. And that's the shame of it all!
Anyway . . .
The Kingfisher & HIS Share the Wealth Plan:
Every Man a King!
(c) 1995 by Dennis G. Crenshaw

Welcome to a new year! For most of us the first unpleasant task of 1996 will be compiling and submitting our income tax returns. However, a growing segment of Americans are unhappy with the current tax system and the intrusive tactics of the Internal Revenue Service. In fact, if past history is repeated, millions of Americans will ignore and refuse to comply with this "voluntary compliance" all together.
1996 is also an election year and the politico hopefuls are well aware of the problems this non-compliance is causing to the financial well being of our country. Each one has his own idea of how to fix the problem. Some believe we need a "flat tax" where everyone pays a fixed percentage of his income - with or without certain deductions. Another popular idea is a National Sales Tax whereas taxes are collected at the retail level instead of income deductions. Proponents of the sales tax approach argue that this would encourage people to save and invest as taxes would become due only when you bought consumer products or services. Whatever their stand, each individual politician will try to convey to us that tax reform is a unique problem of the 90s. In reality, many politicians of the past have argued that the income tax system of America is not the answer to gathering the money needed to run our government and a few have even submitted their own plans to replace, or revise the system.
One such plan was put forth by Huey P. Long the powerful and flamboyant "Kingfisher" of Louisiana politics during the depression era. While I disagree vehemently with the late senator's plan,* I feel that the history and consequences of his proposal should be known to those who try to buck the system.
*I support the fair tax.

Elected Governor of Louisiana in 1928, and then U.S. Senator in 1932, Huey Long was one of the most colorful politicians in the history of our country's politics. History books paint the picture of a greedy, corrupt demagogic governor who controlled the politics of his home state with an iron fist. While many of the things said about him are probably true, the "little people like me" as he liked to call his down-home constitutes loved him. By looking at his record and reading between the lines, it is possible to see the real source of the Kingfish's distorted image. As governor during a period of mass unemployment, Huey Long levied high taxes on the oil companies, in particular Standard Oil who was pumping Louisiana's oil out of the ground which, Long said belonged to the people of his state.. He then used the money collected to hire out-of-work people to build roads. While this upset John D. Rockefeller and the other oil barons, it brought much needed income into the state with the added benefit of giving Louisiana the best highway system in the south at the time. He also declared that since poor people couldn't afford a telephone in their homes and were dependent on pay phones, they shouldn't have to pay more than a nickel for a phone call. So he passed a law that the telephone company couldn't charge more than that in Louisiana. As late as the mid 1960s, while the rest of the country paid a dime to use a public phone, his state's residents only paid five cents. Needless to say these and other programs of social reform at the expense of the wealthy didn't go over well with those at the top.
In 1932, as a freshman senator, he formulated a tax program which he said would make "Every Man a King." By 1932 this plan had become a national crusade and thousands of people across America began to organize into groups known as the "Share Our Wealth Society." The Society's aim was to eventually challenge the two major parties and elect Huey P. Long as President.
In a February 1934 nationally broadcasted radio address the popular Louisiana Senator explained his plan.
"We are in our third year of the Roosevelt depression, with the conditions growing worse . . . We must now become awakened! We must know the truth and speak the truth. There is no use to wait three years. It is not Roosevelt or ruin; it is Roosevelt's ruin.
"We ran Mr. Roosevelt for the Presidency of the United States because he promised to us by word of mouth and in writing;
1. That the size of the big man's fortune would be reduced so as to give the masses at the bottom enough to wipe out all poverty, and;
2. That the hours of labor would be so reduced that all would share in the work to be done and in consuming the abundance mankind produced . . . "
"When I saw him spending all his time of ease and recreation with the business partners of Mr. John D. Rockefeller Jr.; with such men as the Astor's etc. maybe I ought to have had better sense than to have believed he would ever breakdown their big fortunes to give enough to the masses to end poverty . . . Millions of other people were fooled along with myself.
"So therefore, I call upon the men and women of America to immediately join in our work and movement to share our wealth."
Senator Long then went on to lay out his plan. The first step was to be a capital levy. Under the plan, no American would be taxed on his first million earned. "But after you get rich you would have to start helping the balance of us." On the second million one man earned would be a levy of 1%. On the third 2%. On the fourth a tax of 4%. The fifth 8%. The sixth 16%. The seventh million would be taxed at 32% , the eighth 64% and anything over eight million would be taxed 100%.
As millions of Americans across the nation crowded around the radio the Kingfish explained his plan to the anxious depression-weary listeners;
" . . . the annual tax would bring the largest fortune down to $3 or $4 million dollars . . . [This is] enough for any one person and his children and his children's children. We cannot allow one to have more that that because it would not leave enough for the balance to have something."
His plan also included the provision that "a person could only inherit $1 million in any one year - a guarantee of food, housing and clothing for everyone that worked. Free education for anyone who wanted it and a pension to all persons above sixty years in an amount sufficient to support them in comfortable circumstances" except those who could afford to pay their own way.
He believed that "by limiting the size of fortunes and incomes of "the big men"we will throw into the government Treasury the money from which we will care for the millions of people who have nothing." The plan also called for granting a "moratorium on all debts which people owe that they cannot pay."
He ended his national radio address with;
"Now you have our plan, none too big, none too small, but every man a king.
"All the people of America have been invited to a barbeque. God invited us all to come and eat and drink all we wanted. He smiled on our land and we grew crops of plenty to eat and wear. He showed us in the earth the iron and other things needed to make everything we wanted. He unfolded to us the secrets of science so that our work would be easy. God called, "Come to my feast."
"Then what happened? Rockefeller, Morgan and their crowd stepped up and took enough for 120 million people and left enough for 5 million to be divided between the other 125 million to eat. Now so many millions must go hungry and without these good things that God gave us unless we call them to put some of it back."
Share Our wealth clubs sprang up all across America. In a time of nothing but bad news what the ol' Kingfish said made sense. "And hadn't he fought Standard Oil and Maw Bell and won?" Huey Long had the controllers worried. His power was growing to fast and too wide. At the height of his power, and almost assured of winning the popular vote for president, Huey Pierce Long was gunned down on September 17, 1935 in a corridor of the Louisiana capital building in Baton Rouge by a "lone assassin."
Extra Credit study source: You can see a report of Huey Longs assination in the "Newsreel Summary of 1935 Events" at 4:03 into the film.
Webster's Family Encyclopedia
The Annals of America, Volume 15
The People's Almanac
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Labels: Ancient Civilizations, Flying Saucer, Global Warming, Gov. Black Ops, Huey Long and Share The Wealth, NWO update, Selected Short Subjects, Subterranean Secrets, War on Drugs