THEI Research Report #20
# 20
Unraveling the Secrets
A journal of interconnected facts
2008 and 2009 Archives
Jan 2004 - May 1 - 2006 Archives
Most of the time during this period I was publishing weekly so there is a lot of material here.
Unraveling the Secrets
Live! 1/31/09 Saturday - Midnight EST
All shows available in archives 24/7

This week Rick and I will sit down with "Don of Hamilton, Ontario," who witnessed an object hurling through space between the Earth and the moon in May of 1970. No news of this "near miss" of a collision between earth and another solid space object ever came out in the mainstream media or anywhere else. Working alone Don (not his real name for reasons that will become obvious in our interview) has spent his time researching the anomaly he saw through his telescope that memorable night. For years he couldn’t find any outside interest in what he saw and what he was discovering with his personal research. But them things changed. After publishing his findings anonymously as a web page a stream of "knowing" people began showing up at his home even though he lives at a previously undisclosed address. Join us as we discuss "Don's" experiences with him. Call in by phone or via your computer mike and ask questions of our guest, Rick or Dennis. Stop by our friendly simulcast chat room and meet and visit with like minded folks. If you miss the live show you can listen to this or any of our past broadcasts in the 24/7 archives. You can even download to your portable to listen on the go! See, there are really no excuses not to listen to "Unraveling the Secrets." We're here for you. And its all FREE!
& stuff the mainstream press might not consider to be newsworthy
From Space War
Laser Avenger Shoots Down Unmanned Aerial Vehicle In Tests
Staff Writers
Albuquerque NM (SPX) Jan 28, 2009
Boeing has successfully demonstrated that a laser system mounted on an Avenger combat vehicle can shoot down a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) like those that increasingly threaten U.S. troops deployed in war zones. (Complete Story)
Odd Planet Has Extreme Hot Flashes
WASHINGTON (Jan. 28)Astronomers have found a planet with a galactic case of hot flashes. In just six hours, this planet four times the size of Jupiter heats up by more than 1,200 degrees, according to a study published in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature. (Complete Report)
(The other parts of this amazing story are also on Youtube.)
Electric Cars mass produced by 2010?
Chrysler Working on Changing their Image? You decide.
From Energy Daily
Teams Reach Semi-Finals In Clean Energy Prize Competition
Staff Writers
Ann Arbor MI (SPX) Jan 28, 2009
Seven teams, all with connections to the University of Michigan, have advanced to semi-final round in the Clean Energy Prize competition. The competition was founded this year to help move clean energy technologies from the laboratory to commercial production. (Continue Report)
Take your pick
From TerraDaily
Study Shows Climate Change Irreversible
Staff Writers
Boulder CO (SPX) Jan 28, 2009
A new scientific study led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reaches a powerful conclusion about the climate change by future increases of carbon dioxide: to a large extent, there's no going back. (Complete Report)
ScienceDaily (Jan. 27, 2009)
New data disproves the recent theory that a large comet exploded over North America 12,900 years ago, causing a shock wave that traveled across North America at hundreds of kilometers per hour and triggering continent-wide wildfires. (complete report)
The Search for Subterranean Secrets
The Coming Polar Shift
Magnetic Field Begins to Change (Slowly)
ScienceDaily (Sep. 26, 2008)
Earth's north magnetic pole is shifting and weakening. Ancient lava flows are guiding a better understanding of what generates and controls the Earth's magnetic field -- and what may drive it to occasionally reverse direction.(complete extensive report w/images)
Alaska volcano expected to erupt soon
(CNN) In the shadows of Mount Redoubt, Alaskans are calmly waiting for the volcano to erupt - an event that could occur at any time.
(Complete Report)
by Jules Verne (1911)

Flying Saucer Reports
Being a continuation of the research of Raymond A. Palmer, the first UFO investigator
The Copenhagen Post Online
Secret UFO archives opened
Thursday, 29 January 2009 15:44 KR News
The Danish Air Force has opened its UFO archives, providing information on over 15,000 reported extraterrestrial sightings to the public.(Complete Report)
Link to Danish UFO Reports
The files are in Danish, are in pfd format and the download is a 30mb file.
The Black Vault Encyclopedia Project - The MUFON Archive
The MUFON Archive is a joint effort between the MUTUAL UFO Network (MUFON) and The Black Vault. In March of 2008, the two parties agreed to enter a powerful relationship on the internet, and offer unprecedented access to MUFON's archives. This includes four decades worth of MUFON Journals, from the year 1967 to the end of 2007, along with other research papers, documents and investigation case files. This archive offers an important look into the past, present and future of UFO research. Many of these documents and publications are found nowhere else online, anywhere in the world. (Enter the Archive)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Top British Politician Vows to Open Secret UFO Files
British Conservative Party leader David Cameron vowed Tuesday that if he were to be elected Prime Minister, he would bring an end to the era of government secrecy over UFOs and extraterrestrial activity. (Complete Report)
From The Inquirer (UK)
Boris hassles Obama over McKinnon
UFO hacker is a crank not a crime
By Nick Farrell Wednesday, 28 January 2009, 11:12
LONDON'S mayor Boris Johnson has called US president Barrack Obama's attention to the plight of autistic UFO hacker Gary McKinnon. Johnson said that McKinnon was a ''rank' and Obama should stop efforts to extradite him. Boris said the idea of banging up McKinnon for 80 years for hacking into the Pentagon while looking for proof on UFOs is a "last piece of neocon lunacy" from the Bush era. (Complete Report)
From the Inquirer (UK)
NASA agent spills UFO beans
McKinnon defender says the truth is out there
By Mark Ballard
Thursday, 29 January 2009, 12:0
A VETERAN NASA agent who says he processed the real X-Files has come clean with the inside story on the Roswell aliens. Joseph Richard Gutheinz Jr, a practicing criminal lawyer and decorated former NASA special agent, spoke out in defense of UFO hacker Gary Mckinnon last week. Having also spent the last four years on the Texas Criminal Justice Advisory Committee on Medical and Mental Impairments, he felt qualified to call on the US government to cease its unfair hounding of the UFO hacker. (Complete Report)
From the Gulf Breeze News (Florida USA)
'UFO Hunters' to descend on city
Gulf Breeze News
Gulf Breeze is about to be "visited" again. The History Channel's 'UFO Hunters' program plans to visit Gulf Breeze within the next month to film a show about the UFO phenomenon that swept the area and thrust the city into the national spotlight in the late 1980s.(Complete Report)
Attempts to Contact Aliens Date Back More Than 150 Years
Michael Schirber
Astrobiology Magazine
Thursday January 29, 2009
The desire to contact intelligent life on other planets is much older than the UFO craze and the SETI movement. Several 19th century scientists contemplated how we might communicate with possible Martians and Venusians. (Complete Report)
Moving-Earth DECEPTION!
There is something THEY don't want You to know . . .
The Earth Is Not Moving!
Finally! FED Under Attack!

Corrupt Federal Reserve:Robbing Americans Since 1913 (Part 1)
(Other parts of report also on youtube)
By Paul Cappadona
January 24, 2009
When Mr. Obama takes office he will obdurately follow the dictates of the cartel that groomed and selected him. He is no ordinary choice for these turbulent years ahead. (Complete MUST READ Report)
In regards to Dellschau & the Sonora Aero Club
On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 7:23 PM,
Samson Wrote:
Dear Dennis,
When a boy there was an old archive in the attic of our former town library which was originally a private library. Among the older books was a 19th century book , slim hardcover, white cream color written by a member of the air club [Sonora Aero Club]or one like it describing the airships. Included in the book was a plan put forth by the Chinese Imperium to bring an Era of Peace between all nations. The Emperor Paul of China (Christian) was also a member of an airship club and had his own secret air fleet. He went to Europe to plead for the Peaceful Trade Empire according to the Celestial design. He even offered to make Christianity the State religion but was turned down by all the European powers including the Papacy. Colonial expansion was more important than avoiding what the Club foresaw which was massive wars due to advancing technology. The air clubs and their royal Chinese patron made every effort. The hopes expressed in the book were beyond any vain or duplicitous objective, a peaceful trade empire with restraints on the destructive use of technology. The powers of Europe had thought to divide and subject the Orient like Poland and Africa. The archive & book are gone now but I thought you might like to know this element of history.
Hi Anton, Wow! Very interesting story. Maybe one of our fellow insiders can add more information about this book. If ANYONE knows ANYTHING let me know. Dennis
Real Time Travelers of the 21St Century
The Book:
The Time Traveler
A Scientist's Personal Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality The dramatic and inspirational first-person story of a theoretical physicist who discovered the basic equations for a working time machine.(Publishers Page)
The Time Traveler
Ronald L. Mallett (Home Page)
Ph.D., Professor of Physics
University of Connecticut
Video Reports
Youtube CNN: Dr. Ronald Mallett's Time Travel Machine
Youtube: Time travel with proof?
Youtube: Myth of time revealed?...Time travel
Youtube: Time Travel
The complete Story of Dr. Ronald Mallett and his time machine:
Discovery Science:
[Note: For those who have not got their personal time under control and can't watch the complete 5 part report; watch part 5/5 at least].
The World's First Time Machine - 1/5(High Quality)
The World's First Time Machine - 2/5
The Worlds First Time Machine - 3/5
The Worlds First Time Machine - 4/5
The World First Time Machine - 5/5
Selected Short Subjects

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