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UFOs: Extraterrestrial or Co-Planetarian?
Part 5
The FBI, The CIA & UFO Watch Groups
As we have already learned in the earlier reports of this series the government had been involved in some sort of cover-up in regards to flying saucers from at least as far back as the mid-40s. Under several different operations the government had tried to head off any civilian inquires into the mystery. Unfortunately, that did not work as well as they had hoped.
Next, they used the well documented Intelligence Community/Hollywood connection to make hokey flying saucer films to further convince the population that the UFOs were just science fiction fantasies. For those who refused to accept the science fiction answer the keepers-of-the-secrets devised a scenario that was inserted at the end of every UFO propaganda film ever made ... All of the unexplainable UFOs seen in our skies were from outer space. For them it was all tied up in a nice little ribbon ... they were either our space brothers from outer space come to save us from ourselves or else they were kill crazy monsters best left alone. Either way, the unidentified invaders came from outer space. Of course that took care of most of the sheeple who accepted by faith alone the contrived answer.
This left them with one small group to deal with. And the government didn't want this small group to get too vocal. The group was made up of two type of individuals. People who had seen one of these unknown flying vehicles themselves, and the groups who were joining forces to seek a truth other than the truth the controllers had decided upon. The controllers knew that these hard nose people would have to be dealt with in other ways.
To fully understand the significance of what is going on we first need to look at some facts regarding the UFO watch groups who have sprang up over the years.
The two military intelligence officers who visited Kenneth Arnold after his 1947 sighting went through his mail and, as Arnold reported,
... the mail they selected to take was mostly of the nature of societies or organizations that had written me asking for full accounts of my original experience...
While the FBI will admit no involvement with UFOs, two memos written on the 31st of January and the 14th of March 1949 obtained through the freedom of information act prove they lie.
Jenny Randles & Peter Warrington reported in their 1985 book Science & the UFOs:
…The first memo from Project Sign, thanks them for their help on
investigations! The later memo states that the UFO question is of sufficient importance to the internal security of the country that our field officers
should secure as much information as possible. (Page 33).
The FBI is supposed to concern itself with federal crimes committed in the boundaries of the United States. However they have a secondary, seldom talked about mission. To compile dossiers on selected groups and individuals. With this in mind, the only help on investigations the FBI could have supplied was information on organizations and individuals who were too vocal or would’nt accept the governments dis-information concerning UFOs.
** **
By the end of 1952 the Military Intelligence personnel had gathered the data, and the FBI had looked at the domestic situation. It was now time to move the professionals in to run the propaganda mill and infiltrate the civilian saucer study groups.
In 1953 the CIA controlled Robertson Panel was born. This secretive group of top scientists met from the 15th of January through the 18th. The stated reason for this committee meeting was to evaluate UFOs but their real purpose was to secretly plan ways of debunking and discrediting these sightings.
The following comes from a document obtained from the CIA under the Freedom of Information Act. The complete document may be read here at the CIA’s Electronic Document Center. Do a search for ... Comments and Suggestions of UFO Panel ... (The Robertson Panel) dated January 1953 … release date November 16, 1978. The document outlines how to brainwash the people using films, new reports, and television to educate the people.
Also on page 19 of the 22 page report under the heading Unofficial Investigating Groups:
...The Panel took cognizance of the existence of such groups as the Civilian Flying Saucer Investigators (Los Angeles) and the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (Wisconsin). It is believed that such
organizations should be watched because of their potentially great influence on mass thinking if widespread sightings should occur. The apparent irresponsibility and the possible use of such groups for subversive purposes should be kept in mind. ...
Randles & Warrington reported:
... The real recommendations spoke of using cartoonists like Walt Disney to make funny UFO films. This would ridicule witnesses, to stop them reporting, and alleviate fears that UFOs might be potentially hostile. Surveillance of UFO Groups were suggested too. … (Page 42)
According to Roger Boar & Nigel Blundell in their book Mystery, Intrigue and the Supernatural:
The CIA instigated a debunking programme. A secret document
released years later read: The debunking aim would result in reduction of public interest in flying saucers which today evokes a strong psychological reaction. This education could be accomplished by mass media, such as television, motion picture and popular articles. (Pages 195-196).
That this educational program worked was reported in a CIA memo dated 17 December 1953, less than a year after the panel of conspirators met. Again from Science & the UFOs:
... The definite drop in the number of sightings during 1953 over 1942 could
be attributed to actions following these [Robertson Panel] recommendations. ...
This is the only CIA memo which refers to the time during and after the panel’s report that has been released. … (Pages 42-43).
As for infiltration of the saucer groups. I find this 1976 CIA memo to be very telling . According to the memo the FBI;
keep in touch with reporting channels in this area [from inside UFO groups] to keep the agency informed of any new developments. … (Page 43).
However, there were a few early groups and individuals, all open-minded, who would not fall into line and arbitrarily accept the ‘outer space' propaganda. The keepers knew they had to be taken care of.
Next: Part 6 ... Albert K. Bender and the Hollow Earth Connection.
Personal Note: I Hope you like this first attempt at building a new THEI Research Report and find it enjoyable and informative. The report above was scheduled to go into Volume 4 of the original fanzine. Unfortunately it never made it.
The next report is some of the research I did during the writing of the Secrets of Dellschau with my good friend Pete Navarro. Please excuse the fact that I'm still illiterate when it comes to HTML and for now, you are getting whatever you get as far as form, punctuation and any sense of order goes ... oh well ... at least the price is right!
Your hollow headed friend,
The following is from my ongoing research on the 1896-97 Airship Mystery:
April 10, 1897: One Day During The Great Airship Mystery:
an answer to those who ridicule the newspaper men of the times
Source: Archived Newspaper Excerpts &
Commentary by Dennis Crenshaw
This is a study of one day during the Mysterious 1897 Airship flap. I used articles from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the St. Louis Star from April 10th 1897 as a research tool. However, keep in mind that these are only two of the hundreds of newspapers across the country during 1896 and 1897 reporting about the movements of these unidentified flying machines and the aeronauts who flew them.
For comparison of other news on this day in history I quote articles from The New York Times.
We start with the April 10, 1987 edition of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. In that issue the editors decided to use almost the entire front page to report on the continuing airship mystery. The complete article is actually three full length columns.
Airship in the Heavens
... It is general belief than an airship is floating over the states of Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Kansas. This belief is entertained by men of scientific attainments as well as those not so well versed in the field of natural philosophy.
... The rumor that a strange aerial body had been seen became current a fortnight ago and was laughed at. ...
... Within the first few days the evidence that something unusual is moving midst the clouds has become so conclusive and has so much corroboration that wiseacres have ceased to jibe ...
When I first started studying the airship sightings from just before the turn of the 20th century I found that most investigators were of the mind that the stories in newspapers of the day were mostly jokes or hoaxes. The other reason given for these stories being in the newspaper was that it was a slow news day and the airship stories were used as fillers to take up space. These spin doctors go on to explain that the 1800s were the days of yellow journalism when such stuff was common, using Mark Twain's famous newspaper antics as examples.
However, after reading hundreds of actual airship reports from the newspapers of the day I have to disagree with this assessment. I'll concede that is was probably true that some small western town newspaper editors did try and pull the wool over their readers eyes once in a while, say on April Fools Day or such. But in general I don't believe there was as much of that going on as some would have us believe. After all the people back then were not dummies. In 1897 newspapers were their only source of news. Actually more people read newspapers then than do today ... as a matter of fact more people read back then. Period. (But that's another story). It's very important to the reader or viewer of any media to have confidence in the truth of the information and news they receive. It's true today and it was true in the 1800s. In reporting the news of the day newspapers have to maintain a certain amount of creditability in the eyes of their readers. Newspaper owners know this. They check and recheck facts before running controversial material, not because they necessarily care about what they are reporting, but because that's what it takes to attract and keep readers. And it's the all important readership of a publication that attracts the lifeblood of any reporting organization, advertisers . No creditability, no readers. No readers, no advertisers. It's that simple.
Newspapers were, and are expected by both readers and advertisers to report a true view of the news. I don't believe that newspaper owners would have maintained their creditability for long if their organization made up stories just to sell newspapers . Especially news reports with facts that can be easily checked and disputed by others. As an example of this long-term creditability I offer the longevity of our study paper. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is still around today 111 years since these reports of airships in the sky. They didn't grow nor keep their readership and advertisers all these years by making up the news just to joke around or by putting a fast one over on their readers.
According to the skeptical argument against the fact that the flying machine stories were reports of real objects in the sky is that one of the reasons that editors and reporters back then made up stories was because it was a slow news day and they had to fill their pages. That's an easy one to disprove. Let's take a look at the front page of The New York Times on that day in 1897 when the St Louis Post-Dispatch used over 3/4ths of its front page reporting the sightings of mysterious airships.
The New York Times
April 10th 1897
Gen. Fullerton's Body Found
Discovered by a Farmer Eight Miles Below the Bridge Where He Lost His Life
Wheeling, West Va., April 9 - The body of Gen. Joseph S. Fullerton of St. Louis who was killed in the railroad accident on the Baultimore and Ohio Road, near Oakland, Md., some weeks ago, was found this morning in the Youghiogheny River ... ___________________
Although I don't have access to the complete April 10th 1897 issue of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch I do have the front page. It seems to me that common sense dictates that this story... the story of one of St. Louis' most famous and prominent citizens' body being found after beening missing for almost a month ... a story extensively covered across the nation prior to this and featured on the front page of The New York Times this day ... would have taken up most of the front page of his hometown newspaper. Unless, of course, the editors of the St. Louis-Post Dispatch felt the airship story was of more immediate importance.
Or would you have me believe the owners and editors of the St. Lous-Post Dispatch would rather use their front page to fabricate a joke story about mythical flying machines instead of reporting that one of their city's most prominent citizen's body had finally been found?
Other news of note from the front page of the April 10th, 1897 issue of The New York Times:
A body of 1,500 or more irregular Greek troops crossed the Turkish frontier yesterday morning at Krania and engaged the Sulton's forces .... The entire Tukish Army is ready to move to the front and the war is likely to become general ...
This war had been esculating for some time and is another factual news story that should have been on the front page of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that day. In fact, war was declared the next day, April 11th, 1987
Here are a few more reports of interest from the front page of the NYT that day:
There was a huge scandal going on. Something having to do with $823,000 dollars lost by the University of Illinois after the suspension of the Globe Bank. ...Warrants were issued for the arrest of three officers ...
Mrs. Leland Stanford insures her life for $1,000,000 for the benefit of Leland Stanford Junior University ...
A cyclone swept across a section of Alabama and Georgia yesterday ... "
As the above articles prove it's easy to document the fact that April 10th 1897 wasn't a slow news day by any stretch of the imagination. And for a certainty the St. Louis Post-Dispatch would have received all of these stories and more by telegraph. Thats not even looking at the local news. However, for some reason they ran with the airship mystery as the front page lead. Why?_____________________________________________
There can only be one simple answer. They had to believe that the mysterious airship story was the most important news of the day and they reported it to their readers and advertisers as such.
The next step of course is to locate the facts that made these seasoned newspaper men believe such a far-out tale. ....
The End of part one.
Next: Part 2 April 10, 1897: Eyewitness Reports
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Labels: 1886-97 Airship Mystery, news reporting in the 1800s, UFOs Extererrestrial or Co-Planetarian? Part 5