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NOW SHOWING at a theatre near you:
Journey to the Center of the Earth:
21st Century Style
SEE the movie, Journey to the Center of the Earth -3D
Early Preview Review:
Journey to the Center of the Earth 3d Gives Good Monster
" Late last night, a bunch of Wondercon nerds piled into a
theater across from Moscone convention center to see a special 30-minute preview of four monster-packed scenes from upcoming 3D epic Journey to the Center of the Earth. Hitting theaters in July, it's the first live action 3D film done using James
Cameron's new 3D camera setup. You're going to be seeing a lot of this 3D stuff
over the next several years, as Cameron's new film Avatar will use it, as well as Robert "Planet Terror" Rodriguez' new movie. And,
dear readers, it looks frakkin good. Read on to find out about the future of
your movie-going experiences ...What others are saying: Synopsis & Reviews of the movie.
Read Jules Verne's entire original book online: FREE!!
TAKE your own Journey: Race to the Center
Play the GAME! Journey to the Center of the Earth
Real Inner Earth Exploration News
The Center for Deep Earth Exploration (CDEX)
From the sites introduction:
"... it is increasingly obvious that the interior and exterior of the Earth
interact far more closely, in fact as a single system, at various spatial
and temporal scales, than previously envisaged. Without understanding
the behavior of the Earth system, sustaining the Earth will be unrealistic.
For this reason, launching a global-scale study of the variability of the
Earth system is absolutely necessary. ..."Trip proposed to centre of Earth via Arctic hole
HOLLOW PLANET THEORY;U.S. scientist, believers to sail on
Richard Foot
CanWest News Service
Published: Wednesday, May 30, 2007
"A U.S. scientist and a small band of believers
are planning a journey to the Canadian Arctic for what they call "the greatest
geological expedition in history."
Are they searching for Arctic oil
reserves? Documenting evidence of climate change?
Not quite. They're looking
for a fog-shrouded hole in the Arctic Ocean that leads -- they say -- to the
centre of the Earth, where an unknown civilization is lurking inside the hollow
core of the planet. ..." Continue.
Oh, That Elusive Hole
We here at THEI have been reporting on, updating, and keeping our Insiders informed about this modern adventure plan since about 1994 when my friend and fellow Hollow Earth researcher, Rodney Cliff called me and asked for my support. I agreed whole heartily. The expedition was first
scheduled to take place in July of 1995. Over the years it was set back several times for different reasons, but each time the organizers seemed to come back strong again. When I received word that Steve Currey, the driving force behind
the expedition had passed back in 2006 I thought the trip in search of the hole-at-the-pole was off for good and we here at THEI thought we had closed another chapter in the ongoing Hollow Earth story.
Then last week a long time Insider sentme the above newspaper report. Upon seeing that the date of the
report was after the death of Mr. Currey and that the new date for the trip was
set for this summer I decided to check it out. According to the application on one of their web pages the new date is
actually set for next summer ... 2009. for complete up to date information visit
the Captain's
Rodney Cliff believes he knows where the hole is located and has calculated the exact spot as being at 84.4 N Lat, 141 E Lon. You can read a complete description of their plans along with a pretty good overview of the whole Hollow Earth question on their Expedition update page.This is not the first search for the 'hole' we've reported on over the years. Back in 1992 or '93 I interviewed Danny Weiss, the Director of the International Society for a Complete Earth. The complete interview was published in THEI. At that time they were planning to "duplicate Admiral Byrd's 1947 trip into the North Polar opening and back" as reported in his so-called Secret Diary. Of course as my later research proved Admiral Byrd never made a 1947 North Polar Trip and the so-called Secret Diary was a fake . I was still excited for them and was expecting a full report on their return. (After all Byrd did made other trips, just not in 1947).
They had even made a high quality video, Journey to the Hollow Earth, explaining their plans. Unfortunately the flight never happened. I've tried several times to contact Danny at his web page, but no luck so far.
Many others have searched for the elusive polar entrances to the Paradise which many believe waits within. One of the earliest Hollow Earth proponents was John Cleves Symmes Jr. who has been called "the father of the Hollow Earth Theory." Symmes was a well known hero of the war of 1812 and the founder of Hamilton Ohio. After leaving the Army he spent much of his life trying to convince the United States government to send an expedition into the polar opening and claim for our young country those lands within the earth. As Walter Kafton-Minkel reported in his book Subterranean Worlds:
"One of the first such petitions
was presented to the House of Representatives by Rep. J.T.Johnson of Kentucky in
January of 1823; it requested Congress to outfit an expedition to the North
Pole, to be led by Captain John Cleves Symmes, not only for the purpose of
making "new discoveries in geography,
natural history, geology, and
astronomy, but of opening new sources
of trade and commerce." Representative Johnson moved to
refer the petition to the Committee on Foreign Relations, but Rep.
of Pennsylvania, who felt Congress had little time to waste on such foolishness,
moved to table it. Another representative suggested the petition be referred
tothe Commerce Committee [as he believed]"the object of the
memorialists being probably to establish a commerce with the interior
inhabitants."" The petition was tabled.[Source: The History of Congress. The Congressional Record January 1823, pages 698-699.]
Several more attempts were made to petition for exploration to the inner lands but all failed. Captain Symmes was honored for his beliefs with the placing of a Hollow Earth monument in the park named after him in Hamilton Ohio. This is the
only know hollow earth sculpture in the world.
One of the most interesting reports speculating on the possibility of inner lands and a plan to locate them was reported on in the December 1923 issue of the very respected Popular Science Monthly under the headline:
Will the ZR-1 Discover a Polar Paradise?
"Here is one of the most outstanding stories of scientific
possibility ever published. Commander Green's exclusive article has all the pungency of romantic fiction; at the same time it is founded on scientific observations of a veteran arctic explorer, and corroborated by fascinating legends of the Eskimos. Not since the days of Columbus has any venture held such power of gripping the world's
imagination as the proposed voyage of the ZR-1". ...
We here at THEI will be watching with interest the progress of this latest attempt to find the Northern Passage to the Inner Lands ... the first such attempt of the 21st century ... and hopefully hear first hand what waits below.
By Steve Farrar, Science Correspondent
"Life forms so alien that scientists may simply not have recognised
evidence of their existence could inhabit the Earth, according to a leading
scientist. Dr Tom Gold, emeritus professor of astronomy at Cornell
University in America, believes that organisms based on silicon -
completely unrelated to all the carbon-based life man has encountered so
far - may live at great depths. In a forthcoming book he will suggest
that scientists should take the possibility more seriously. Gold, who is
a member of the Royal Society, previously predicted that vast amounts of
more conventional bacteria live miles down within the Earth's crust.
Scientists initially dismissed the idea, but many now agree with him." ...
UFO's & Their Earthly Origins
"It is my firm view that the ground work has been prepared for a take-over of this planet by those who live inside it. A great deal has already been accomplished. They have their representatives here, many in high places ..."
...Brinsley Le Poer Trench (The Earl of Clancary & member of England's House of Lords until his death in 1995) writing in his book Secret of the Ages:UFOs from Inside the Earth -1974.
Hot Link!!
I hope you enjoyed this special Inner Earth edition in honor of the new Journey to the Center of the Earth movie released this week. I'll be going to see the movie tomorrow. Can't wait. Watch for my personal review here soon.
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