Research Report
Unraveling the Secrets
A journal of interconnecting facts
Most of the time during this period I was publishing weekly
so there is a lot of material here.
The Golden Days of Flying Saucers
Page One
James W. Moseley,
A Living Legend in UFO Research
Coming to Unraveling the Secrets Radio Saturday - Midnight - (2/14/09)
James W. Moseley Key West Florida 2007
Rick and I are extremely happy to announce that James W. Moseley will be our very special guest on the next blogtalkradio show.
In all of those years James hasn't spent his time watching little squiggly lights in the sky. No, way. He has spent his time studying THOSE OF US WHO WATCH and study those squiggly lights. I guess you might say James watches the watchers. Over the years James has met and interviewed almost every person in the United States involved in UFO studies throughout the modern history of this ongoing mystery. From George Adamski to Budd Hopkins. From meetings with scientist like J. Allen Hynek to a private sit down with President Harry S. Truman to share information on UFOs, James has been in the thick of it all. Many of the icons in the UFO community are, or were, his personal friends or adversaries.
Along with his appearance on our show James is offering our listeners and readers a free copy of the latest issue of Saucer Smear if you mention that you read or heard about this offer on Unraveling the Secrets.
James has no computer so snail mail him at;
Saucer Smear
James W. Moseley
P.O. Box 1709
Key West, FL 33041
We at Unraveling the Secrets are very excited about having James Moseley on our radio show. So to coincide with this very special show this weeks issue of Unraveling the Secrets is totally dedicated to the early days of the discovery of the fact that SOMETHING UNKNOWN is sharing our skies . . .
REAL News from the Past:(From the pages of the actual Newspapers of the time)
The Coming of the Saucers 1947 -1953
Except for the original Roswell July 8, 1947 article reporting a flying saucer crash the following newspaper articles and links were all accessed through (I highly recommend this most important research source).
From the:
Oakland (CA) Tribune
June 26, 1947
A tale of nine mysterious objects - big as airplanes - whizzing over western Washington at 1200 miles an hour got skepticism today from the Army and air experts. The man who reported the objects, Kenneth Arnold, a flying businessman of Boise, Idaho, clung, however, to his story of the shiny, saucer-like objects, each as big as a DC-4 passenger plane, racing over Washington's Cascade Mountains with a peculiar weaving motion "like the tail of a kite."
An Army spokesman in Washington, DC, commented, "as far as we know, nothing flies that fast except a V-2 rocket, which travels at about 3500 miles an hour ." (Complete Report)
Walla Walla (Wash) Union Bulletin
June 30, 1947
More Flying Saucers' Seen
PORTLAND (UP) - Westerners were seeing "flying saucers" almost everywhere Sunday - from Canada to Texas - and a red-hot controversy raged about it all.
Kenneth Arnold, Boise, Idaho, flying businessman, started it by reporting he saw nine mystery objects zipping over Western Washington last Tuesday at what he estimated was 1200 miles-an- hour speed.
Experts dismissed his report with statements that no known aircraft could go that fast and that no guided missile tests were being made in that part of the West. Hardly were the words out of their mouths, when others began reporting "flying saucers" and the controversy was on.
There was a similarity in all reports - the objects were round like a saucer, traveling south at a rate of speed with little or no noise, and of such brightness that reflections from the sun were "almost blinding."
Three persons in El Paso, Texas, said they had seen them in the last few days. A man in Vancouver, B. C. reported one. The latest of a score of reports in the Pacific northwest came from a Seaside . . . (Complete Report)
From the:
Sunday News & Tribune
Jefferson City, MO
July 6, 1947
No Official Detailed Explanation'Flying Saucers'
Phenomenon Reported From 31 States as Mystery Deepens
(By The Associated Press)
The nation was baffled today by "Flying Saucers" reported seen in 31 states by hundreds of persons, and conjectures came from scores of named and unnamed sources throughout the country. Official government sources took a "let's see one" stand on the phenomenon, and no scientist preferred a detailed explanation. . . (Continue Report)
From the:
MONDAY, JULY 7, 1947
Flying Saucer' Mystery Skims Across Nation
Phenomenon Seen in 38 States Still Has No 'Good' Explanation
SAN FRANCISCO, July 7. (IP) From one end of the country to the other, new reports of 'disc like' "flying saucers" skimming through the skies today added to the mystery which has baffled the nation since June 25. (Complete Report)
The Mexico Missouri Evening Ledger used the complete center section of front page in its newspaper on July 7th 1947 to cover the continuing 'flying saucer' story. An interesting fact we should consider is that this newspaper spread appeared the day before the exciting news of a flying saucer crashing near a small New Mexico ranching community named Roswell. The amount of coverage up to this point makes it clear that the flying saucer situation was highly escalated BEFORE the famous Roswell story.
The Ledger reports were all located under a mid-page banner headline, Flying Saucers Continue Mystery; None Yet in Little Dixie, along with a grainy photograph of a light with a black sky background and the caption, "Is This The Flying Saucer?"
The reports:
Planes Alerted To Chase Down Coast Reports
(AP) The Army Air Forces alerted jet and conventional fighter planes on the Pacific coast in hopes of chasing and explaining the mystery of the "flying saucers" which in 12 days has challenged the entire country. . . .
Airport, Cops Say No Report Of Local Discs
No "flying saucers" have been reported yet in Little Dixie, or if they have, the Mexico Flying Service at Green Field and local officers haven't been informed. Airport personnel said nobody had turned up with a story of seeing the saucers, and Mexico police said the same. Police Chief Robert Allen said if the saucers do exist they "might be of a harmful nature" and said he was telling his men to be cautious in approaching any that might be sighted. . . .
May Be Just Trick of Sight, Scientist Says
Associated Press Science Editor
NEW YORK, July 7. Certain laws of human eyesight will ex-plain much of what has been described about the flying' saucers reported from nearly all parts of the United States. At any distance which is close to the limit of how far a person can see, all objects appear round or nearly so. This law of sight covers both small things seen nearby and large ones at a great distance. Regardless of shape, the object near the limit of sight looks round. If the thing is silhouetted against a bright sky as some of the flying saucers have been reported, then it is more likely to reveal its true shape . . .
While the USA was going through the flying saucer jitters our European counterparts were laughing their asses off.
Europe Jeers At Credulous US Stories
LONDON, July 7
(AP) Don't mention those flying saucers on this side of the Atlantic unless you're prepared for an argument about your sanity. Maybe they have been seen by sober citizens over a vast area of the United States, but Europe won't believe in them until somebody lassoes one and has it photographed by Frank Sinatra, the British ambassador and five Supreme Court Justices.
Europeans generally took the position that the flying saucers, like Sweden's "ghost rockets" would go away if everybody took a good stiff bicarbonate of soda and the pledge, in that order . . . .
And back in the good old USA some newspaper editors and writers were already starting to put a silly spin on some of the reports coming in. A situation which has continued until today.
Arkansas Cows Have Seen 'Em, Says New Report
July 7 (AP) Northwest Arkansas livestock have now seen the flying saucers and "the animals sure get up and go when they see these things," Henry Seay, who lives two miles north of here, reported today. Seay, who said he had seen six of the disks Friday night and again just before dark last night, described them as "yellow, about the size of pancakes, and with [unreadable] around." He was driving cows and horses toward his farm home at the time he said, and the . . .
(Link to newspaper articles above)
From the:
Daily Capital News
Jefferson City MO
July 8,1947
'Flying Saucers' Reported Seen Over 40 States Many Observers Declare Objects Are Radio-Guided Missiles
(By The Associated Press)
The game of spotting "Flying Saucers" broadened yesterday to include Massachusetts and Vermont as stories about the disks continued to swirl fully as rapidly as the objects themselves. Explanations of the phenomena ranged from the theory that they were radio-controlled flying missiles sent aloft by U.S. military scientists, to the suggestion that they might be merely sun light reflected on wing tanks of jet-propelled planes. (Continue report)
And the most famous Flying Saucer headline in the world:

Roswell Daily Record
July 9, 1947
RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region
No Details of Flying Disk Are Revealed
The intelligence office of the 509th Bombardment group at Roswell Army Air Field announced at noon today, that the field has come into possession of a flying saucer. According to information released by the department, over authority of Maj. J. A. Marcel, intelligence officer, the disk was recovered on a ranch in the Roswell vicinity, after an unidentified rancher had notified Sheriff Geo. Wilcox here, that he had found the instrument on his premises. Major Marcel and a detail from his department went to the ranch and recovered the disk, it was stated. After the intelligence officer here had inspected the instrument it was flown to higher headquarters. . . . (Complete Report including newspaper time line of the incident)
Walla Walla (Wash) Union-Bulletin August 9, 1947
Evidence on Flying Discs Inconclusive
HAMILTON FIELD. Intelligence officers of the fourth air force reported Friday "there is not sufficient evidence or testimony available to this headquarters to conclude whether or not the reports of so-called flying discs in the Tacoma area or any other area have any basis of fact."
Two army officers who had been assigned to investigate reports of flying saucers in the Pacific Northwest were killed in the crash of their plane as it was returning to Hamilton field from McChord field.
Lt CoL Donald L. Springer, assistant chief of staff, army intelligence, returned Friday from the Tacoma area. He stated that a reported explosion of a small boat off Maury island, attributed by some persons to a flying disc collision, did not occur. Colonel Springer said fragments resembling molten metal were found on the beach at Maury island, and that similar material appears in great quantity both in that area and in other parts of the Tacoma country.
Samples of this material were turned over to McChord field authorities by persons who reported having seen the flying discs. The officer said that Master Sgt. Woodrow Matthews, crew chief in the plane in which the two Hamilton field men were killed, reported he had placed a heavy box aboard the bomber before it left McChord field. It is presumed here the box contained samples of the metallic substance.
The plane was destroyed by fire and neither the box nor the materialwas retrieved.
Sgt. Matthews and another passenger parachuted from the flaming ship.

Because I personal believe this incident to be a major piece of evidence in the existence of these advanced craft I present a portion of it as reported in in The Shaver Mystery Magazine [published by Richard Shaver] Volume II #1 January 1948 and the first issue of Fate magazine in February 1948 under the title, "The Mystery of the Flying Disks."
On August 2 [1947], The Tacoma Times published the following story under the by-line of Paul Lantz:
Sabotage Hinted in Crash of Army Bomber in Kelso
The mystery of the "Flying Saucers" soared into prominence again Saturday when The Tacoma Times was informed that the crash Friday of an army plane at Kelso may have been caused by sabotage.
The Times informant, in a series of mysterious phone calls, reported that the ship had been sabotaged "or shot down" to prevent shipment of flying disk fragments to Hamilton Field Cal., for analysis.The disk parts were said by the informant to be those from one of the mysterious platters which plunged to earth on Maury Island recently.
Leading substance to the caller’s story is the fact that 12 HOURS BEFORE THE ARMY RELEASED OFFICIAL INDENTIFACTION, he correctly identified the dead in the crash to be Capt. William L Davidson, pilot, and First Lt. Frank M. Brown. . . .
. . . According to the anonymous caller platter fragments were loaded aboard a B-25 at McChord field Friday for shipment to the California field. Half an hour after the take off, the plane crashed near Kelso . . .
. . . At McChord field, an intelligence officer confirmed the mystery caller’s report that the ill-fated craft have been carrying "classified material."
Major George Sander explained "Classified material means there was a somewhat secret cargo aboard the plane. No one was allowed to take pictures of the wreckage until the material was removed and returned to McChord field."
He declined to say what constituted the "Classified material."
The theory of sabotage was borne out by the statement of the two crash survivors that one of the engines burst into flames and the regular fire apparatus, installed in the engine for such emergencies failed to function. . . .
. . . In the Chicago Sunday Times for August 3, 1947, appears the following story under the by-line of Maurice Roddy.
Link "Sky Metal" to Mystery Blast
A mass of blazing metal reported to have roared down from the sky on an island off the West Coast simultaneously with the recent appearance of "flying saucers." . . .
A tragic part of the story lies in the fate of two Army fliers who went to their deaths in the crash of a B-25 bomber while reportedly carrying a load of fragments of the metallic mass . . .
. . . That blast [over Maury Island] has been surrounded with the deepest secrecy by Army, Navy and atomic authorities. . . .
Described as a "lava oxide metal" . . . The specimens were analyzed by University of Chicago scientists. They identified the stuff as "molten metal which had fallen from the great height, landing in sand."
. . . Whether the box of Maury Island "specimen molten lava" aboard the plane had anything to do with the crash has caused considerable speculation.
Authorities at (Hamilton) field . . . Said that the airplane was carrying an "unclassified cargo" and went on to describe it as "hot stuff."
Asked whether the cargo was connected with the Maury Island matter, a spokesman at the field said the query was "very close" to the situation.
(Source: The Shaver Mystery Magazine Vol. II No.1 January 1948).
From the Mexico (MO) Ledger
March 10, 1950
Naval Officer Says There Are Flying Saucers, Thinks They May Come from Mars
A naval officer insists there are such things as flying saucers - and offers his own story and other evidence to back his belief. The officer is Commander Robert Bright McLaughlin, expert on naval ordnance and guided missiles and for three years in charge of the navy unit assisting in classified projects at White Sands Proving Grounds, LasCruces, New Mexico. His story is told in a copyright article in True Magazine, which in an earlier issue presented a report on flying saucers which attracted wide attention. Excerpts from Commander McLaughlin's story. . . (Complete Report)
Mexico (MO) Ledger
March 24, 1950
Myth or Miracle?
Those Who've Seen 'Em Talk About Those Flying SaucersAre "flying saucers" a figment of the imagination? Or is there a possibility they might really exist?
If they are not an optical illusion - viewed at various times by hundreds of people all over the world - then, the only remaining possibility is that they are from another planet. That is the only conclusion to be drawn after a survey by The Chicago Herald-American, in which reporters talked to dozens of persons who told of seeing the weird, disc-like aircraft in the last three years.
Published reports list 384 persons, including 24 Chicagoans, who claim to have seen the strange objects. In addition, scores of others admit to having "seen something," but, afraid of ridicule, have kept silent.
Col. C. H. Welch, public relations director of the Air Material Command at Wright Field, declared to the Herald that "the air force is convinced 'flying saucers' do not exist." He pointed out that their investigation has been dropped because "in no case was any tangible evidence of 'flying saucers' found and nowhere have we had any satisfactory explanation of what certain people claim to have seen."
He denied "any undercover investigation" was continuing, and added: "Based on the best technical and scientific knowledge available - and we have the best - flying saucers cannot exist." "Of course, if life existed on other planets - and they had certain technical and scientific knowledge not available to us - then there would be the possibility the things are real. We do not believe that such is the case."
The first report of a "flying saucer" came on June 24, 1947, from Kenneth Arnold of Boise, Idaho, who said he saw one while flying at a 9,000-foot altitude near Mt. Ranier, Wash. A pilot of 20 years' experience, his description of the round, metallic objects, which travel at fantastic speeds, is essentially the same as reported by others.
Less than a month later Capt. E. J. Smith of United Air Lines, his co-pilot, Ralph Stevens, and the stewardess of their plane observed five "discs" flying in formation near Boise.
However, several days before Capt. Smith sighted the strange objects, similar "disc" was seen by Mrs. Nels G. Thor, 10436 S. Forest Av. Yesterday she said: "I'm still sure I wasn't imagining things. My husband was afraid if I told people about seeing it, they'd think I was crazy. I wasn't disc minded at the time and I'm positive it wasn't a weather balloon."
Jack Ellis of Youngstown, O., a radio announcer on the staff of WKBN, is equally certain he saw a disc over the city January 9, 1948. The former air force officer said that Lt. Col. James F. Pierce, who tried to pursue it in an air force plane, also is convinced there "was something" in the sky.
Charles Kastl, 263 Wilson, Joliet, railroad engineer, sighted nine "discs" June 24,1947. Todav he recalled:
"They were larger than an airplane. They didn't follow the horizon. They disappeared in a straight line as if they were going out into space."
On April 4, 1949, Leon A. Farber, president of the James Knights Co., Sandwich, Ill., manufacturer of quartz crystals, was flying his plane near Gary, when he sighted "something unusual."
He said: "I haven't changed my mind since. When I first saw it, my hair stood on end. It was something metallic and I've never seen anything like it before or since. I hadn't been reading about discs and I wasn't imagining anything. I saw something and I don't know what it was."
Richard Warner, 22. of 3333 W. S4th St., is as positive today as he was noon, July 8,1947, that he saw a "flying saucer." He declared: "My mother was out in the yard hanging up the wash and she called me. I saw somethingshaped like the moon, silver in color, that moved so fast it was out of sight in 10 seconds."
Whether or not "flying saucers" are real there are people in Sydney, Australia, and a ship's captain who was cruising in the East China Sea who claim to have seen them. (source)
The CHILLICOTHE (Mo) ConstitutionJULY 22. 1952Radar picks Up "Flying Saucers" Near WashingtonAir Force Launches Check of Reports of Mysterious Objects. WASHINGTON, July 22. - The Air Force today investigated reports that several "flying saucers" had been spotted by radar virtually in its own back yard on the outskirts of the nation's capital. Not only were unidentified objects seen on radar - indicating, actual substance - instead of mere light - but two airplane pilots and a newsman say eerie lights fitting the general description of flying saucers the same night.Officials could not immediately agree on whether this was the first time radar has picked up flying saucers. Some said it was. All agreed it was unusual. . . . (Complete Report)
THE NEWS—NEWPORT, R. I.,WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1952Flying Saucers Reported By Newport ObserversTwo flying saucers were seen between 2:25 and 3:25 this morning by two 15-year old spotters on duty at the Airplane Spotting Station on the Armed Services YMCA. Robert DeCosta, of 26 Walnut St., and Gerry Fill of 68 Sims St., reported both flying objects into the New Haven Filter Station, where much interest was expressed in the report.The objects were both egg-shaped and of a gray color, with a luminous glow about them. One was flying low at a fairly slow speed, the second high at a tremendous speed. They followed the slower one as it traveled a straight path out of sight. The second they could only follow about two or three seconds because of its speed.(Complete report)
Posted at Phantoms and Monsters
President Eisenhower's 'Close Encounter' at Holloman AFBby Clark C. McClelland, Former ScO, U.S. Space Shuttle Fleet KSC, Florida 1958 to 1992"Shortly after the US Air Force became a separate branch of the service, Alamogordo Air Base became Holloman AFB in honor of Colonel George V. Holloman, a pioneer in Air Force research and development."
The old Alamogordo airfield had been a training base for heavy bombers. Then, U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower was landing at Holloman. It was a smooth landing as landings go.
(Complete Extensive Report)
Some one is trying to gather information about the rumor that has been making the rounds since the early fifties that concerning a meeting with President Eisenhower. So far no information has been posted.(Complete Report)
Jefferson City (Mo) Post TribuneNov. 5, 1953
Cheer Up: Men From Mars Fear Us Also
NEW YORK—George Adamski is either an ace spinner of science fiction tales - or else he's the first earthman to talk to a visitor from out of space. He claims that he's the latter. Adamski says that on Nov. 20, 1952, he talked to a man from Venus for about an hour. Then he watched him take off in his flying saucer, and, 23 days later, the Venusian came back and gave Adamski a message. The message has not yet been deciphered.
If it's science fiction, this is a humdinger, because Adamski has photographs, a plaster cast of the visitor's odd footprint, affidavits from six people who watched the rendezvous, and that strange message. . .
Youtube Footage of the times
The UFOs Era - Adamski, Films & 'Abductees'A collection of Flying Saucer footage taken by George Adamski
Two airline pilots report UFO to newsreel cameras
RARE!!! Declassified UFO Footage August 1st,1949
Declassified UFO Footage from May 1952
UFOs appeared over Capitol secured area in 1952
UFO July 1952/July 2002 US Capitol (Includes an actual study of the excellent color footage of the 2002 flyby)
UFO's new Declassified Seen over District DC 1950's
President Truman Admits UFOs Are Real July 20 1952
UFO's - 1950's style
UFO Clip from the 1950s
UFO Encounters - March 16, 1950 near Clearfield, PALee Crandall. "The Venusians" published in 1955
RoswellRoswell Flying Saucer - The Memory Foil
Greg Bishop - Giant Rock and the Contactees
Last Page
Selected Short Subjects
(I had this on 45 rpm)
11 UFO's
The most famous sighting ever!
Flying Saucer 1950s Cartoon
1950s Flying Saucer movie trailers:
*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational purposes only.
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