Sunday, August 31, 2008

THEI #12

Research Report


Unraveling the Secrets
A journal of interconnecting facts

Front Page

'Zines blazed the path that led to the Information Highway.

It's 95 % certain that you came to be reading this report because of my post on the internet at a "tribe" or "group" site such is found at Today you can find a group of world-wide people interested in almost any subject your mind can conjure up on the web. But what about before computers - how was special information spread to interested people?

Before the days of computers and cable television what we call the mainstream media was the only source of information and news available to most of us. If your interests lay outside of the main it was almost impossible to find information about your subject except by spending many hours in the library doing research or buying books from small independent distributors and writers.

However, there was one small group of dedicated folks who filled the need of gathering, cataloguing and passing along occult knowledge or special interest information. These dedicated people, usually working alone or in very small groups, would compile the information they gathered into a newsletter of sorts and mail copies out to their lists of other people with the same interests. The ones who maintained the lists kept their subscribers informed with up-to-date information and passed along the others members contributions. They were actually the first group 'moderators'. The lists were usually compiled one person at a time mainly from word-of-mouth spread by those already receiving the publication to their friends and colleges. Needless to say, most of these lists were very small, and few people actually saw the work. But these small-run publications did have an impact - an impact that goes largely unnoticed.

Take, for instance, the first subject of interest that brought me into working with others in trying to unravel the secrets of our society, the Hollow Earth Theory. Back when I first begin looking into that subject information was almost impossible to find. In fact that was the main reason I started The Hollow Earth Insider Research Report in the early 90's. I felt the information was becoming lost and I wanted to pass along a permanent record of my personal research to other folks who might have an interest in the subject.

Today if you type "Hollow Earth" into your favorite search engine you'll get page after page of information. Yet before the World Wide Web the subject, along with many others, was only kept alive by those little homespun publications. Were it not for these self styled "groups" I feel the root material of much of the information found on the web might not be here.

In those days before computer composition everything was done by hand. Cut and paste was not a simple click of the mouse, it was the real thing. The layout for the publication was achieved with scissors and paste or tape. The main pieces of equipment were a typewriter, and if you were lucky a mimeograph machine. If not . . . you spent a lot of time and money at your local Copy Place or Office Depot. The work was usually done at the kitchen table or down in the basement in the wee hours of the morning after a full days work at a "day job" and on a non-existing budget. These short run publications were works of love as almost all the publishers made little or no money. But the goal was not to make money. The major goal was to compile and pass along the information you gathered. This helped future researchers from having to cover the same ground that had previously been explored.

These specialty publications usually went to a small list of dedicated fans, so they became know as fanzines, or, more popularly, just 'zines. The first fanzine of record, The Comet, was edited by our late friend Raymond A. Palmer beginning in May of 1930 and was devoted to science fiction, or Sci-Fi as it became known. Ray, who created many specialty magazines in the 50s 60s and 70s including the still published Fate magazine was once called "the man who invented flying saucers" by a frustrated Air Force officer. He also promoted the Shaver Mystery and is credited with bringing the Hollow Earth Theory out of the dark closet, so to speak.
In 1972-73 and then again in the mid 80's one such fanzine was compiled and sent out by Mary (Story) Martin. The 'zines name was The Hollow Hassle and it was dedicated to the study of the Hollow Earth Theory and the possibility of subterranean civilizations. Later in this report we'll interview Mary Martin on the eve of the publication of, The Best of The Hollow Earth Hassle in book form.
But, first . . .

NEW News:
Stuff the mainstream press
might not consider as being news worthy.

LATEST NEWS; My Thoughts

It appears to me that the controllers are even using their weather machines to help insure that Obama remains in the sheeples sights as president by taking everyones mind off of the Republican side show convention and putting it on Katrina II. How far ahead to you figure their moves are planned?

Rocket Scientists Say We'll Never Reach the Stars
By Robert Lemos

Many believe that humanity's destiny lies with the stars. Sadly for us, rocket propulsion experts now say we may never even get out of the Solar System.
At a recent conference, rocket scientists from NASA, the U.S. Air Force and academia doused humanity's interstellar dreams in cold reality. The scientists, presenting at the Joint Propulsion Conference in Hartford, Connecticut, analyzed many of the designs for advanced propulsion that others have proposed for interstellar travel. The calculations show that, even using the most theoretical of technologies, reaching the nearest star in a human lifetime is nearly impossible.
In those cases, you are talking about a scale of engineering that you can't even imagine," Paulo Lozano, an assistant professor of aeronautics and astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a conference attendee, said in a recent interview.
The major problem is that propulsion - shooting mass backwards to go forwards - requires large amounts of both time and fuel. For instance
. . . [

Swarms of robots join the army

Intelligent swarms of autonomous robots that look like insects could soon be deployed for military information-gathering and reconnaissance, says David Hambling. . . "In just over five years, the swarms of robots in the British armed forces will outnumber the soldiers." . . . [
Continue report].

Artificial Intelligence Might Give Gliders a Lift

A British company is working on an artificial intelligence (AI) system that examines clouds to find areas in the sky where rising air creates the lift that allows unpowered gliders to sustain flight, and powered aircraft to prolong their journeys. [
Continue report]

Earthly News

Ocean 'dead zones' becoming global problem
Updated 2:53 p.m. EDT, Thu August 14, 2008

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Like a chronic disease spreading through the body, "dead zones" with too little oxygen for life are expanding in the world's oceans.[Read on].

Spacey Stuff

OK, Hollow Earthers, pay attention now . . .
Strange Clouds at the Edge of Space

When in space, keep an eye on the window. You never know what you might see.
Last month, astronauts on board the International Space Station (ISS) witnessed a beautiful display of noctilucent or "night-shining" clouds. The station was located about 340 km over western Mongolia on July 22nd when the crew snapped this picture.

NASA says,'clouds in space'. What do you think?
Just for fun compare this recent 'cloud photo' with this contraversial 'hole-at-the-pole NASA photo I used on one of THEI's 90's fanzine's. The photo was taken from the ESSA 7 satellite on 23/11/1968. ( The 'add-ons' were placed there by hollow-earth artist Max Fyfield who also created THEI's distinctve banner).

Humanity's Crossroads and Extraterrestrials: U.S.
Professor Zecharia Sitchin's Planet X
By Al Smith, Retired Academic Instructor

What is Planet X (PX)? What proof is there that PX exists? What effect is PX having on the Earth? What may happen in the near future? [
Read on]

Satellite shooting unneeded says scientist
By Staff Writers
Boston (UPI) Aug 26, 2008

The U.S. Navy's February missile shoot down of a spy satellite was unnecessary, a Harvard scientist and former NASA employee said.
Yousaf Butt filed a Freedom of Information Act request asking for the National Air and Space Agency's re-entry threat analysis from the disabled USA-193 satellite. His conclusions contradict the government's official explanation that the satellite's hydrazine fuel tank posed a health hazard.
. . . [
Continue Report]

Outside View: Space spy race speeds up
By Andrei Kislyakov
Moscow (UPI) Aug 27, 2008
Replacements are expected soon in the "space spy community." Yet another American Navstar Global Positioning System satellite will be launched into low Earth orbit in the fall.
It might seem an ordinary event, had it not been for this satellite being equipped with a platform for intelligence equipment. A purely navigational GPS has turned into an advanced intelligence system, appropriate for a variety of special tasks.
. . . [

The Continuing Search for Subterranean Secrets

Electric Gravity in an Electric Universe

The fact that we do not understand gravity in this space age should cause alarm. Our cosmology - our view of our situation in the universe - is based on a mystery! The 'big bang' is a monumentally expensive work of fiction. [
Report Continues]

Sloshing Inside Earth Changes Protective Magnetic Field
By Jeremy Hsu, Staff Writer
Posted: 18 August 2008 06:35 am ET
Something beneath the surface is changing Earth's protective magnetic field, which may leave satellites and other space assets vulnerable to high-energy radiation. . . [Continue]

"Deros live under every major City in the world". . . Richard Shaver.

The Saturday Strangeness
August 23, 2008

As a child I was always peeping from the stairs at the latest horror movie my mum and dad had hired. One such shocker was the 1972 Brit-flick 'Deathline', also known as 'Raw Meat', which concerned the horrific rumour that a race of cannibals were existing under the streets of London, and their acts of carnage taken out on all manner of victims such as tramps, drunks, city workers and pets. . . . [
Read more]

Underwater Unknowns

Weird Los Angeles: Weirdness in the Waters
August 23, 2008

During the UFO waves of the 1940s and '50s a new type of peculiar, possibly extraterrestrial or covert machine was mentioned, and often sighted in the murky oceans of the world. The USO, or Unidentified Submarine Object, just like the flying saucers and mystery airships of before, had begun to cause panic.
Were alien life forms monitoring our shores with their advanced technology and preparing for possible attack, or was the government conducting clandestine operations beneath the surface? Or was another country secretly invading and spying on us?

Flying Saucer Reports
Continuing the research of Ray Palmer
The first UFO investigator

UFO hunters head Downunder for evidence
By Matt Cunnigham
August 27, 2008 06:00am

AMERICAN documentary makers are set to descend on the Northern Territory to investigate a spate of UFO sightings.
The History Channel plans to send its team of experts Down Under to shoot an episode of the cable television series UFO Hunters.

Alien Artwork - Zo's Artwork.

These pictures are an accumulation of firsthand descriptions, descriptions written in books, TV versions and drawings made by abductees shown in many UFO magazines and books. My Son Matt and I have always thought that nobody is getting their sketches and drawings quite right. We believe one has to know that the face we're all used to seeing on TV UFO Documentaries is not the real creature, in that the face is actually a nano-driven helmet connected to their suits. These militaristic suits and helmets have shapeshifting capabilities. Not magic. All technological.

We believe we have come the closest as to what these creatures really look like. When placing the helmet on their heads it is metallic looking and very smooth....... and looks like a helmet. However, as soon as they place it on it transforms from metal looking to looking like a real face... an alien face. Under this helmet they are even uglier. [Check 'um out]

Big Boys Toys

Draganfly X6 UAV: UFO Thingy Packed With Carbon Fiber, HD/Night Cameras and GPS

The Draganfly series of heli cams have been impressive, but the just announced X6 is freaking amazing. The triple-tipped carbon fiber body has two carbon rotors on each end. The design allows it to move in all directions rapidly, provide enough control to zip around indoors yet resist up to 18 miles per hour of wind. . . . [More]
Watch them fly. [

On-Agan Off-Again Global Warming

Global Temperatures Chart (2500B.C. to 2008 A.D)

Scientist Predicts Ice Age in 10 Years

University of Mexico expert says lack of solar activity to cause
significant cooling that will last over half a century.

As evidence builds of the earth entering a dramatic cooling trend, another scientist has gone public with his conviction that we are about to enter a new ice age, rendering warnings about global warming fraudulent and irrelevant. . .

Continuing Polar Watch

Arctic Ice Grows 30 Per Cent In a Year

Predictions of 'ice free' summer for first time in history completely

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Alarmist scientists who predicted that the North Pole could be 'ice-free' this summer as a result of global warming have been embarrassed after it was revealed that Arctic ice has actually grown by around 30per cent in the year since August 2007.

Back in June, numerous prominent voices in the scientific community expressed fears of a mass melting of the polar ice caps, including David Barber, of the University of Manitoba, who told National Geographic Magazine, 'We're actually projecting this year that the North Pole may be free of ice for the first time [in history]. . . [

Eyeballin' the New World Order
"How I Learned to Love the New World Order". . .
article Sen. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. in The Wall Street Journal (April 1992).

Joe Biden's New World Order Speech
August 24, 2008

In his speech, "On the Threshold of the New World Order: A Rebirth for the United Nations," Biden called for meddling in the former Soviet Union and China, imposing a "free economy" on these countries - i.e., allowing the international bankers to freely loot and pillage - and expanding NATO and allowing it to operate outside of its territory. [Continue]


Now, the political United Nations has a spiritual equivalent, a New World Order Religion, called "United Religions". The target date for full implementation is the same year as all other New World Order target date, 2,000 AD. A major development in the coming Kingdom of Antichrist. . . The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!! . . . [Continue]

The United States is A Corporation
or "Don't take it Personal, it's Only Business"
Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 09:39 PM
Last Updated or Revised:

Yes, you read the title correctly. We are not living in a country with a government of the people, by the people, for the people, but we are part of a giant Corporation, The United States Corporation, and the President of America is the CEO. We are only the employees. This Corporation, in its turn, is owned by another Corporation, The British Crown.

"Hey, wait a minute! First of all, America is not owned by Great Britain," you may way. "That's what the War of Independence was all about; to free ourselves from British tyranny. We are free from Britain and we have our own Constitution. Our Founding Fathers helped out with that!"
If this is what you think, it is incorrect, and I will tell you why
. . . .[

Looking Back:
Oklahoma City 0n the Day the Patriot Movement Was Nullified.
This is a mindblower! [

Education is the Answer: Recommended Reading

Unknown Co-Planetarians

Scientists rebut finding of 'Hobbit' bones
By Staff Writers
Eugene, Ore. (UPI) Aug 28, 2008

A U.S. anthropologist is rebutting claims that fossilized bones found in the Micronesian islands were those of Hobbitlike little people. . . . [More]

100s Of SoCal Bigfoot Sightings Reported Annually
Aug 23, 2008 1:29 pm US/Pacific

LOS ANGELES- More than 100 reports of Sasquatch sightings are made every year in Southern California, and local members of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Association say they are frustrated that a reported Sasquatch capture in Georgia turned out to be yet another man in a monkey suit, it was reported Saturday. . . . [

Information that's available again:
The Hollow Hassle a Fanzine of Possibilities for Tomorrow and Yesterday

An Exclusive Interview with Mary Martin, editor and publisher of The Hollow Hassle

Mary Martin, with the editorial help of Wm. Michael Mott author of Caverns, Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures has teamed up with Timothy Beckley of Global Communications to compile the best of her longtime unavailable newsletters into a new book, appropriately titled, The Best of The Hollow Earth Hassle. Once again the information she put together back 'in the good old days' will be available for a whole new generation of readers. But more important than that it will give those who were not there for the great age of fanzines an idea of the look and feel of this no-longer available, but always enjoyable, source of occulted information. As a bonus for skeptics, they can try to find information today that contradicts the information presented back then and destroy the whole ridiculous idea of a Hollow Earth. I wish them luck.

In anticipation of the release of this important piece of history I had a long telephone conversation with Mary Martin. The following is from that interview.
Hi, Mary. Congratulations on getting The Best of the Hollow Earth Hassle put together. I know it took some doing. How did you get involved in the fanzine business to start with?

I started out studying astrology around 1965 or so. I was involved in that a few years. From there, I must have been reading one of Ray Palmer's magazines, or somewhere that advertised, The Smokey God by Willis George Emerson . . . probably Fate magazine.

[Note: Read on line, or download, FREE e-book of The Smokey God].

Anyway, I don't know what made me want to read it because I didn't have a clue about Hollow Earth or Subterranean Civilizations, but I ordered it. And after reading it I was off and running. There was something inside of me that said, "This is a possibility . . . this could be true". From there my research went on to other books and sources of information.
Then around 1971 or so I was receiving the fanzine, Pole Watchers Magazine which contained research about the possibility of a polar shift. It was published by an elderly lady, Dorothy Starr. I wrote her and asked her if she had anyone on her list that was interested in the Hollow Earth Theory. She told me she had one . . . Tom LeVesque.
[Note: Tom LeVesque is better known as TAL by our regular readers and is a long time and valued contributing researcher for this publication. He frequently publishes his research and writings in his own 'place' on THEI, the very popular "TAL Zone". Many more of his research reports can be found other places on the internet besides THEI, such as this report on the Dulce Caverns and Pueblo Mythology].

Continuing with the interview:
So, Dorothy Starr put Tom and me in touch with each other through the mail. He lived in Gardena and I lived in West L.A. Eventually we got to meet in person, which would be about 1972. Our friendship soon developed into a relationship and he moved up to West L.A. with me. Later on we were married and moved to Alhambra. That was in 1973. And from there it was off to Tennessee and running all over the country.

So you guys mutual interest in the Hollow Earth brought you together and you ended up getting married?

Yes. Then in 1972 we decided to publishYe a newsletter on the subject which we named The Hollow Hassle because it was a hassle to find reliable information on the subject.
The original HH was published in 1972 and maybe into early 73. We put out 13 issues, mostly once a month. The information we included wasn't just about Hollow Earth, it was much like your Hollow Earth Insider and included other articles of interest also. Tom would put in things about pyramids and other stuff we felt our readers might be interested in. We really didn't have a large subscription list during the publication of this first Volume, but we enjoyed producing it and supplying interested people the information we were finding.
Was your distribution only to people in the United States or did you also send copies overseas?

Well, we were in touch with Brinsley Le Poer Trench [author of Secret of the Ages: UFOS from Inside Earth] and others in the UK. We were also in touch with the Hollow Earth Society in Austrailia. We also sent some to other people overseas. So I guess we could have said our little 'zine was distributed world wide.
[Note: Secrets of the Ages has long been out of print and is a much sought after book. However, thanks to Global Communications never ending effort to make previously lost or rare information available again, the book is available in its entirety under its reprint title, Finding Lost Atlantis inside the Hollow Earth. The publisher gave this writer the honor of writing the forward for this new edition of the heavily researched and well documented classic by one of the worlds most knowledgeable scholars on the subject. You will find a rare interview with Mr. Trench at 5:23 minutes into this BBC Special TV series, Conspiracies-Hidden Places Part 3 . And, unashamedly stroking myself - if you continue to watch you can find a few words from yours truly at 6:15 minutes and then again just before the ending. Also of interest to note, as the end credits reflect, our good friend TAL was an adviser for this series].

Back to the interview:
So, Mary, How did you find new subscribers? Did you do any advertizing?

Not really, we told Dorothy Starr and she put a small ad in her Pole Watchers magazine. We did two talk shows on the radio with Hilly Rose. At that time he was broadcasting out of the studio at L.A.'s 50,000 power watt station, KFI. His show was heard all over the nation. On the second radio show with Hilly Rose Tom and I were on with Richard Shaver. I think doing that let a lot of people know who we were or whatever. New subscribers came from that exposure.
I remember one very funny thing concerning HH that happened back then. I was working at the post office in Beverly Hills California at that time so we had a P.O. Box in Beverly Hills as our return address on the Hassle. Of course a Beverly Hills address looks very impressive to some people. But, we hadn't even thought of that. We had the box just for the convenience.
Well, when we moved to Alhambra, my son went to his new school and he met this little kid whose family was getting our newsletter, believe it or not. Because of our P.O. Box he believed we produced the Hassle out of a big expensive office in Beverly Hills and he was very impressed. My son brought him to the house and he found out we were working out of the bedroom. Of course there were no computers, just old fashion scissors, the sweet smell of white paste and a pile of newspaper clippings lying around. He was totally disillusioned. You could see it in his face. The HH didn't have an office in Beverly Hills. I guess it lowered the whole Hollow Earth idea a notch in that poor kids mind.
Shortly after that we decided to move to Tennessee so I quit my job at the post office and we shut the newsletter down. Of course we had boxes of unused information to deal with. We did't want to just discard the good information, so we decided to give it to a man who we were corresponding with . . . Michael something or other. He lived somewhere on the central coast of California if my memory is right.
He had put out some Hollow Earth stuff and assured us he was ready to carry the ball by continuing a Hollow Earth newsletter. Then all of a sudden he went exploring in some tunnel or cave. He got down so far, it started to fill up with water and he ran out as fast as he could. The experience freaked him out and he never again wanted anything to do with Hollow Earth. He never used any of the information we had given him and we were never able to get it back. So that was the end of the first publication of The Hollow Hassle. It was Volume 1 and there were 13 issues.
When did you meet Richard Shaver?

Tom and I were traveling around the country. The first time we met Richard Shaver was in 1973 on our way to Gatlinburg Tennessee. We went there because some psychic said we should go there and we found out later that she just told us that because she liked the place. It's a big tourist attraction. We thought it was a psychic thing and I quit my job at the post office, we all piled in my van, and off we went to Gatlinburg. Ha, ha, those were carefree days.
Anyway, on the way there we did stop and see Richard Shaver at his place in Arkansas and had a good time visiting with him and took some pictures. On our way back to California we stopped by to see him again. The first time we were there he looked pretty good. The second time he looked thin and whatever. He didn't look as well. He had just signed a contract with a major motion picture company to be an adviser on a movie about the Shaver Mystery. Shortly after we left he had to go to the hospital with some blocked bowels and he told his wife Dorothy, "I'm not going to make it back". And she said, "Don't be afraid it's not that big of a deal". He told her, "No, the Deros aren't going to let me make my movie. I won't be back".
Shortly after that I received a letter from Dot, Richard's wife. Richard had died. The explanation of his death has never been fully and satisfactorily explained as far as I'm concerned.
[Note: For more on Mary's reaction to Shaver's death see the copy of her letter to me located in the last section of my report on the THEI webpage, Palmer & Shaver Part 2].

I know you started publishing the Hollow Hassle again. How did that come about?

In the early 80's, Tom and I were no longer together, and I was living in Santa Fe N. M. Once again I was working at the post office. I found I had extra time on my hands and was making pretty good money so I decided to start the Hassle up again. I started this run with Volume 2 #1 and published it quarterly. I had the list of subscribers from the first HH, so I sent each of them a complementary copy of the new one to see if they wanted to subscribe. I also exchanged small ads with others. Richard Toronto graciously put an ad in his very popular Shavertron magazine.
Once I started putting it out again people begin picking up on it. People returned who had taken it in the 70's. From there it spread by word of mouth. We also did a lot of exchanges with others for copies of their publications.
I begin put it out in Santa Fe, then I moved up to Colorado and continued to put it out. During that time I had a get together with Bruce Walton, (A Guide to the Inner Earth) [also known as BRANTON author of the Branton Files] Christine Hayes, Paul Kay, a long time subscriber from New York City. We all met in Salt Lake City at Christine Hayes' house. That was the first time I met Bruce in person. He was young then, around 20. Christine puts out as newsletter also, but I think she puts it out under another name. She was channeling. A lot of it had to do with the Hollow Earth.
What did you do about using copy written material? That was always a worry for me when I put THEI together.
I always gave credit of where the information or clipping came from. [When I used something]. When I used information out of Fate magazine I gave credit but I didn't worry about it because Richard Shaver told me that Ray Palmer always put in his magazines that the stories were copy written but they were not.
Were you ever involved in any field work? Checking out tunnels or caves, stuff like that.

Ha, Ha. Almost. It's a weird story. Charles A. Marcoux's wife got in touch with me. He was involved with the investigation of the Blowing Cave near Cushman Arkansas. I had a meeting with him in Albuquerque N.M. Charles was a long time researcher into Hollow Earth, and he had some letters he wanted me to see. According to his information, there were these seven people who went to this cave in Arkansas. They went down far enough till they hit another civilization that wasn't detrimental deros, they were a group of teros - the good guys. [Note: Deros and Teros]. One of the men stayed down there, I think his name was Wight. Anyhow the other six came back up.
Years later they got in touch with Charles Marcoux because they felt this information should be put out because it had been kept secret all that time. Charles got in touch with me because of the newsletter. He felt that he could promote an expedition through my newsletter. Or at least get something going. . . . Research and that. So I put a lot of stuff in my newsletters that I got from him. We had drawings of the cave and the map on how to get there.
Charles was also physic. He could picture something in his mind, maybe a UFO or something then snap a picture and it would show up on the photo even though others around him would have seen nothing in the direction he had pointed the camera. He produced some very strange photography. And this was way before there were computers. He did it as far back as the 40's where he couldn't have used Photoshop or whatever. He was an interesting person. I'm still in touch with his wife.
Anyway, He went to Albuquerque, he lived in Arizona some place, Phoenix I think.
He started out going to Superstition Mountains. He decided he was going to go to Arkansas and go to the Blowing Cave which was suppose to be an entrance to the Subterranean world. I lived in Colorado and I drove down to Albuquerque and met him there. We finally decided that a bunch of us would go to Arkansas and meet him there at a certain time. Then we were all going to go to this cave together. That included me, and if I remember right Bruce Walton was part of it. I can't remember everyone who was supposed to go, but there was a few of us. We all pitched in and bought a lot of equipment and everything we thought we might need for descending into this cave. Charles had gone to this cave many times to take pictures. But he had never gone further than just inside the entrance where he would take pictures of faces in the walls of the cave. You know, like Richard Shaver and his rock drawings? We used a lot of the pictures in my newsletter.
We had all made plans and were anxiously counting the days until time to go which was only two weeks away. Then he and his wife went back to the cave to have another look see or whatever. He and his wife were there when suddenly a swarm of bees appeared out of nowhere and stung him. Then just as suddenly he died. Even thought he wasn't in the best of health he knew how to pace himself. He was very careful and didn't over-do. I honestly think he was stopped from taking all of us into that cave. Everything was going wrong.
Joan O'Connell, editor of New Atlantean Journal had just died, dropped dead in the garage while feeding her dog. No history of past heart problems. Then Gray Barker was going to take over her newsletter and talk about the Hollow Earth and he died three months later. It was just really weird. It got real strange. Just a whole bunch of deaths. It was like anyone who was trying to promote this was dying. I had health problems myself and after a couple of attacks it got really scary. After Charles died we had to cancel the trip of course. It was just really bazaar. But he sure was a thorough researcher. There is a lot of his research and stuff in several of my newsletters.
Wow, interesting. And how long did you publish the Hassle the second time?

Slightly over 5 years. I started with Volume II #1 and continued putting it out every three months until Volume VI #1, when I had to quit because of financial and health reasons. Of course, today, with the computer . . .
I know. You miss it, I know I do. It had a different feel to it than the way we do it today. So after all is said and done. Did you learn anything? What do you come away from it all with?

I guess it's the same thing that was part of the reason I got into it to start with. We know more about outer space than we do what's under our feet, and that's what fascinates me. And after all these years, today, I still think there is a possibility that there are other civilizations living inside our planet.
I started The Hollow Hassle in 1972 and now its 2008, and with all I've learned and studied I'm fascinated by the fact that in my mind, I still can't say for certain that it's all make believe. After reading the Smokey God for the first time all those years ago, I thought "this is real. I know this is true". It was just one of those de-javu type things and nothing I've learned since has ever changed my mind. I still think there is a possibility that the earth is hollow. With me it wasn't something I came to slowly. With me it was immediately.
Looking back now, how do you feel about the time and money you spent composing and distributing the Hollow Hassle?

I loved putting it out. Even if I lost money it didn't matter. If I could have afforded the money to continue putting it out I would probably still be doing it. Even though I know there is no demand for a printed 'zine today . . . I would never had quit, but when you are out of work and each issue cost like $500. 00 to put out and then the money for postage . . . well you know. I only charged 10 bucks a year and that didn't even cover postage and cost. It was always operated at a loss. But making money had nothing to do with it. It was a lot of fun.
Having been there I know exactly what you mean. I guess the biggest fan of our fanzines were those of us who put them out. Thank you for an enjoyable conversation. Now, let me go. I've got a book to order.

Last Page:

Selected Short Subjects

Too bad the folks in Survival City weren't able to Duck and Cover. I'm sure they would have made it through their attack if they had.
And finally just for fun:
Mighty Mouse - Goons from the Moon

You have been warned!

Send all correspondence to:

. . . 30 . . .

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

THEI #11

Unraveling the Secrets
A Journal of interconnecting facts

Front Page

Will the World Come to Order?

As the first piece of information in this issue we are extremely happy to link to an exclusive World News Daily report that the globalists have announced that "their dream of a North American Union is dead." It was killed by the actions of alert, freedom loving Americans. This is great news. I'm sure the furtherance of the push for the Amero money scam has been moved to a back burner along with the NAU plan.
At any rate, we at THEI are proud to have been involved in some small way with the end of the present push for beginning the
NAFTA super-highway in Texas and the introduction of North American Union funny money as foreseen by our friends the Trilateralists.
But let's not start our high-fives or blowing up the party balloons yet. We might have won a skirmish but the war goes on. And it's about to get as heavy as it's ever been . . . .

First, The good News. . . .

According to an Exclusive report from World News Daily;

North American Union: The dream 'is dead'

Father of alignment of U.S., Mexico, and Canada says secret plan has been killed by left, right.
Posted: July 28, 2008 9:46 pm Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi 2008 World News Daily

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America is dead, says Robert A. Pastor, the American University professor who for more than a decade has been a major proponent of building a North American Community.
Pastor attributes the failure of SPP [The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America] to its largely bureaucratic nature and the decision policy makers made to keep SPP largely below the radar of public opinion.
"The strategy of acting on technical issues in an incremental, bureaucratic way and keeping the issues away from public view has generated more suspicion than accomplishments," Pastor admitted.
Pastor blames critics for the failure of the SPP, charging it has come under attack from both ends of the political spectrum.

So it appears that all the patriot chatter about the Trans Texas Corridor from concerned citizens (see Research Report # 7) may have helped to alert and educate those Americans who appreciate our rights to property and individuality enough to rally behind the angry Texians and make enough noise to stop this N.W.O plan. This doesn't mean the globalists will give up on their major plan. We must not let our guard down yet. I believe the powers-that-be are beginning to realize that things have changed. No longer is what they decide to do an automatically done deal. They will, I'm sure, be returning to the days of deep-cover as they continue to work their nefarious plans from this point on.
We must remember that even in retreat the globalists always have a back-up plan. And don't let's forget that it's also possible that the whole NAFTA highway start-up was actually all part of a side-show. A road show put on in order to draw our attention away from the center ring of their circus. We are facing a situation which may possibly be the most important and frightening to come down the pike in many years. We'll examine this in detail later on in our "Eyeballin' the New World Order" report.

NAW. There isn't a N.W.O. Plan . . .

From: The Guardian
Intelligence sharing: 'A Euro-Atlantic area of freedom, security and privacy'

Europe should consider sharing vast amounts of intelligence and information on its citizens with the US to establish a "Euro-Atlantic area of cooperation" to combat terrorism, according to a high-level confidential report on future security.
The 27 members of the EU should also pool intelligence on terrorism, develop joint video-surveillance and unmanned drone aircraft, start networks of anti-terrorism centre's, and boost the role and powers of an intelligence-coordinating body in Brussels, said senior officials. . . . "Europe editor Ian Traynor looks at a call to pool policing and give the US personal data" by The Future Group, a body of esteemed politicians, has outlined its vision for
complete data sharing with Europe and America."

And it's always for our own good, for 'security' reasons. They care about us, how sweet.

New News:

Stuff the mainstream media might not consider as being newsworthy

Chemical Traces of High Explosives in WTC Debris
Josh Mitteldorf / OpEd News August 5, 2008

In an article published this week in the journal Environmentalist, chemical engineer Kevin Ryan collects evidence from EPA documents that suggest there was both Thermate and high-explosives in the debris from the WTC collapse. Ryan was formerly employed by Environmental Health Labs, a division of Underwriters Labs, before he was fired for raising these and other questions. [Complete Report]


DURBAN lecturer and his students have detected a radio source, possibly from an alien source, from beyond the solar system with the aid of their specially built radio telescope.Before you read on, I'll remind everyone this ...Gliese 581 has planets in the habitable zone, which is also in the constellation Sagittarius, the very same constellation where this signal came from. [Complete Report]

Scientists closer to developing invisibility cloak
Monday, August 11, 2008
(08-11) 17:03 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) --

Scientists say they are a step closer to developing materials that could render people and objects invisible. Researchers have demonstrated for the first time they were able to cloak three-dimensional objects using artificially engineered materials that redirect light around the objects.
Previously, they only have been able to cloak very thin two-dimensional objects.
The findings, by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, led by Xiang Zhang, are to be released later this week in the journals Nature and Science.
The new work moves scientists a step closer to hiding people and objects from visible light, which could have broad applications, including military ones.
Continue Report]

The Search for Subterranean Secrets

Secret Cold War bunker vacant in Chatham

FEARRINGTON VILLAGE - For 45 years, it has generated speculation and wild rumors of missile silos, UFOs and odd columns of smoke.
Now one of the nation's most secret Cold War installations -- a giant underground bunker built into a hilltop now flanked by some of fast-growing northern Chatham County's most genteel subdivisions -- has apparently closed.
Continue Report].

Did iron cyclones give Earth a wonky core August 2008
From New Scientist Print Edition.
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IT'S not just the sphere of culture that has an east-west divide. The Earth's inner core of solid iron also behaves differently in each hemisphere, transmitting seismic waves faster in the eastern side than in the west.
The phenomenon has baffled scientists, but now numerical simulations developed by Julien Aubert of the French national research centre's Institute of Geophysics in Paris and his team suggest that the anomaly may be due to subterranean "cyclones" found in parts of the liquid iron outer core. [
Continue article]

'Little people' e-mail zips through rural Alaska
Published: May 31st, 2008 11:11 PMLast Modified: May 31st, 2008 03:04 AM

An intriguing e-mail hit Bush Alaska in May. In it, a hunter from Marshall recounted how he found a boy alleged to have been abducted by the ircenrraat.
Ircenrraat (singular: ircenrraq; say "irr-chin-hhak" with a harsh hh and you're getting close) are a recurring theme in traditional Yup'ik teachings and legends, "little people" who dwell in the tundra, usually underground. They disorient, discomfort and trap unwary humans.
City folk usually dismiss ircenrraat as superstition. Those who have lived in Yup'ik country for any period of time tend to be a little more inclined to listen. For one thing, the stories are persistent and often come from respectable observers. For another, when you're by yourself in the middle of nowhere, things happen that are hard to explain. . .
. [
Continue Report]


They may have lost the 12 lane highway across Texas, but Mexican trucks are still rolling on U.S. roads.
From ABC News
U.S. Extends Mexico Truck Program Despite Objections
August 4, 2008

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration on Monday extended a test program allowing long-haul trucks from Mexico full access to U.S. highways for up to two years, despite pending legislation in Congress to shut it down. (Continue)

Planet Earth's Unknown Creatures

Large Reptilian 'Dinosaur-Like' Creature Reported on Umbungi Island in Papua New Guinea

Since the 1990s, a large 'reptilian' creature has been sighted occasionally on Umbungi Island in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Umbungi Island is located on the south coast of West New Britain between Kandrian and Gasmata. The creature has also been sighted on Alage Island, about 1km to the south of Ambungi Island.I interviewed a young man on Umbungi Island, Robert, who sighted the creature around 2005/2006. The creature was also sighted at the same time by Tony Avil, who was not on Umbungi Island when I was there. Robert does not speak English, so an interpreter was used to translate Pidgin to English. . . . (Continue)

Losing the yeti in forgotten nation of Bhutan

By Tim Sullivan, Associated Press Writer

August 10, 2008.

SIGNYAR, Bhutan --He remembers the darkness of the pine forest, and the foot prints, and his terror when the creature began to howl. He remembers the stories of his childhood, of a beast that stalked the upper reaches of the mountains, and how fear spread through the village every time it was spotted.In a remote Himalayan kingdom that held out against the modern world for as long as it could, the old man remembers a time when the yeti was a normal part of life."\"The creature has always been out there, and it's out there still," says Sonam Dorji, 77, sitting on the pockmarked wooden floor of his small farmhouse. . . . [Complete Report]

'Montauk Monster' Mystery Goes Hollywood
Friday, August 08, 2008
The Web site reported Thursday that the crew of "Splinterheads," a movie about carnival life being filmed in Patchogue, N.Y. - not far from where the "monster" reportedly was found - posted the claim and a photo of the carcass on its Web site,
'We have the Montauk Monster," the site proclaims, along with a photo of the beast.

Flying Saucer Report

Continuing the Research of Ray Palmer, the first UFO investigator

Edgar Mitchell's Roswell Revelations and Pentagon Briefing
August 8, 2008 at 16:38:34

Edgar Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico. He later briefed a committee of the Joint Chiefs on what he knew about the 1947 UFO crash and was told it was all true.
When former Astronaut Edgar Mitchell recently told the world that he had been briefed on Aliens and UFOs by the U.S. Government, the media reacted by treating his comments with disdain. Their own bias against any acknowledgement that Aliens might be visiting our world and unwillingness to accept the word of a national hero that UFOs are intelligently controlled spacecrafts from another world may have caused them to miss the historical significance of what he said.

150 UFO sightings in UK in 2008

London, Aug.10 : The British Ministry of Defense has said that 150 apparent 'flying saucers' have been reported to it, the police and military bases in 2008 so far, compared to 135 in 2007 and 97 in 2006.
These figures were released under the
Freedom of Information Act, and according to The Sunday Telegraph suggest that 2008 will be a bumper year for alien activity. . . . A Defense Ministry spokesman said that as long as the sightings presented no threat to British airspace, they would not be investigated further. . . . [Continue]

Australian UFO sightings surge

Lea Emery and Darren Cartwright

August 10, 2008 06:00pm

THIS year could set a record for UFO sightings across Australia as the new X-Files movie sparks renewed interest in extra terrestrial life forms.
That's according to Diane Harrison, national director of the Australian UFO Research Network, which has recorded more than 50 apparent UFO visits across the country in the past fortnight.

"We usually only get between 10 and 20 reports a week," she told[
Continue Report]

Eyewitness News Reports: "Glowing UFO Crash near California."

August 02, 2008 06:07 PM EDT (Updated: August 02, 2008 06:18 PM EDT)

. . . On May 14th the Eyewitness News Channel 8 reported a large object with a turquoise hue plummeting out of the sky earlier this summer and plowed into the Earth south of Las Vegas. Eyewitnesses say this was no meteorite, especially since they witnessed a group of black helicopters flying in formation to quickly haul it away. . . . This video is certainly worth the time to watch and more details are covered in the video regarding the local airport and secret flights to the area 51 base. There has not been an official UFO crash since the Roswell, New Mexico incident. . . .[
Report w/Video]...

West Virginia almost a UFO heaven?
Mannix PorterfieldRegister-Herald Reporter
August 10, 2008 10:50 pm

West Virginia prides itself as a land of majestic mountains, sparkling streams, coal to feed hungry power plants, a unique place in American history and a fiercely independent people accustomed to overcoming hard times with a resiliency unrivaled by anyone else. Now add another chapter to the 35th state's storied history -- more documented UFO activity than any other place in America.Even eclipsing Roswell. . . . [Continue]

Alternative Energy

Compressed air cars eyed by industry
By Staff WritersNew Paltz, N.Y. (UPI) Aug 9, 2008

Although doubted by some as impractical, plans for a
car that runs on compressed air is generating a buzz, U.S. industry observers say.
Zero Pollution Motors of New Paltz, N.Y., has obtained a license from MDI of Barcelona, Spain, to produce the six-seat "air cars" in the United States, which is says it will begin delivering for less than $18,000 in 2010, CNN reported Saturday.
Shiva Vencat, vice president of MDI and CEO of Zero Pollution Motors, says the cars use compressed air in much the same way old locomotives used steam to power engine pistons. He told the broadcaster that one or more tanks of air under the car's floor would work in tandem with an 8-gallon
gasoline tank to produce fuel efficiency ratings of up to 106 miles per gallon. [Complete Report]

Sunny Prospects for Solar Cell Manufacturing Equipment Market
By Staff WritersPalo Alto CA (SPX) Aug 11, 2008

Escalating global population, changing lifestyles and rapid industrialization has created a huge disparity in demand and supply of crude oil, causing its prices to overshoot the $120 a barrel mark. Natural sources of energy such as oil, coal, and natural gas are milked dry, forcing authorities to explore alternate energy sources. [Complete Report]

Eyeballin' the New World Order:
The REAL Architects of Change

"In This NEW WORLD such dangerous currents have swept along faster than our effort to contain them and that is why we [the world] cannot afford to be divided. No one nation, no matter how powerful or large can defeat such challenges alone. Partnership and cooperation between nations is not a choice. It is the only way, the one way, to protect our common security and our common humanity." Obama, Berlin Germany, 2008

I found it symbolic that Obama gave his "New World Order" speech in Berlin, Germany, the very place where Adolf Hitler first laid out his plans for a New World Order?

Powerful Illuminati Symbolism?

More Symbolism?
One Nation, Under a New Obama Salute August 07, 2008 04:53 PM ET Paul Bedard

. . If a Los Angeles creative agency gets its way, Sen. Barack Obama will see fans meet him with his own salute like the one above. "Our goal is to see a crowd of 75,000 people at Obama's nomination speech holding their hands above their heads, fingers laced together in support of a new direction for this country, a renewed hope, and acceptance of responsibility for our future," says Rick Husong, owner of The Loyalty Inc. . . .

Humm. Didn't another leader have his own salute? Hint: Sieg Hail!
I think Obama's salute says a lot. To me it symbolizes a fair warning of where the one-worlders plan on putting it to us.

Probably the most important single clue as to the immediate future we all face was the endorsement of Obama for president by the architect of the Tri-literal movement, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Actually with Obama's recent world wide tour it looks like he could very well be being groomed as possibly the First Leader of the New World down the road a-ways.
Since the late 1970's I have strongly felt that Mr. Brzezinski, along with his counterpart on the other side of the same coin Henry Kissinger, to be two of the most dangerous men behind the scenes in the World when it came to the planned overthrow of America's sovereignty and demolishing the very idea of individual freedoms. What has transpired in those 30-odd years since hasn't changed my mind one iota. Time and research has only made me believe more firmly that that is true.

The best explanation as to just who this guy Brzezinski aka Zbig is and his most important place in the movement towards a controlled world can be found in this rundown by Jim Marrs in his latest excellently researched and presented book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, (C) 2008;

The concept of the Trilateral Commission was brought to David Rockefeller in the early 1970s by Zbigniew Brzezinski then head of the Russian studies department at Columbia University. . . . In a book titled "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era," Brzezinski foresaw a society "that is shaped culturally, psychologically, socially, and economically by the impact of technology and electronics." . . . He also declared, "National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept. . . ."

[Note: I urge everyone to read Jim Marrs newest book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich (2008). I believe this to be one of the most important publications I've read in over 10 years, and I read a lot! This timely and well researched book filled in a lot of gaps in my own personal research. But be warned. The information Mr. Marrs reveals only accents the fact that our future as a free people is coming to an end].

David Allen Rivera reported in his extremely rare book, "Final Warning, A History of the New World Order" (c) 1984, 1994;
. . . The book Between Two Ages was published in 1970, in which he called for a new international monetary system, and is considered to be the "Bible" of the Trilateralists.

Let's see . . . Zbig believes that "National Sovereignty is no longer a viable concept" and "a new international monetary system" is needed. Sound familiar? Do you think the first skirmish in the North America part of the tri-lateral plan for a one world government could have been the NAFTA highway and the Amero? I'm positive of it.
Jim Marrs also reported in The Rise of the Fourth Reich;
[The] Brzezinski plan for a commission of trilateral nations was first presented during a meeting of the ultra secret Bilderburg Group on April 1972, in the small Belgian town of Knokke.
Reception to Brzezinski's proposal reportedly was enthusiastic.
The Trilateral commission was officially founded on July 1, 1973, with David Rockefeller as chairman. Brzezinski was named founding North American director, North American members included Georgia governor Jimmy Carter, U.S. Congressman John B. Anderson (another presidential candidate).

Although Brzezinski's endorsement almost insures that the globalist have tapped Obama as the next president, the controllers always hedge their bets. . As Patrick Wood reports in the following article,

Every Administration since Carter has had top-level Trilateral Commission representation through the President or Vice-President, or both! George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Dick Cheney are all members.

Unless Obama does something stupid or has done something real stupid in the pass that comes to light before election day and his keepers can't surpass it it's obvious to anyone who has watched the real masters manipulate the puppets in every presidential election since JFK that Obama has definitely already been tapped. That doesn't mean the one-worlders don't have another puppet, his strings slack for now, waiting in the wings. In this case it's John McCain on the arm of another Rockefeller groupie, Henry Kissinger. The other one on my "two most dangerous men" list.

Both Sides of the Same Dime

A vote for either Obama or McCain is a vote for the complete destruction of America!
Obama and McCain: Pawns of the Global Elite?

By Patrick Wood
From the August Review:

Will it matter if Obama or McCain are elected in November? Hardly.

Both are rigidly backed by important members of the Trilateral Commission who hijacked the Executive Brach of the U.S. government starting in 1976 with the election of Jimmy Carter.

In Obama's case, Zbigniew Brzezinski (co-founder of the Commission in 1973) is emerging as his principal advisor on foreign policy. Ex-Fed Chairman
Paul Volker has made a once-in-a-lifetime, glowing endorsement of Obama. Madelyn Albright is seen sitting next to Obama in several conferences. Shoot, even Jimmy Carter himself endorses Obama. All are top members of the Commission.
John McCain is being supported by several Trilateral Commission giants including: Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, Lawrence Eagleburger and Alexander Haig. All of these are ex-Secretaries of State who issued a joint endorsement of McCain early-on in his campaign.
Dr. Henry Kissinger Endorses John McCain for President
You would think that Americans would want to know who the "special interests" are that are embodied by this Trilateral Commission, and what they intend to do or not do with America. . (

"The Trilateral organization created by David Rockefeller was a surrogate -- the members selected by Rockefeller, its purposes defined by Rockefeller, its funding supplied by Rockefeller. David Rockefeller screened and selected every individual who was invited to participate." Senator Berry Goldwater (R) Retired.

What really blows me away is the fact that so many people still believe that the election results that are fed to us on election night by a controlled media are the true wishes of the people. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when David Rockefeller gives a fortune to one candidate or the other that all involved know that there will be a reckoning someday.
If you follow the money trail you can trace every presidential candidate since JFK's murder, and many before that, back to Rockefeller and Rothschild money.
And the Rockefellers and their pals don't mess around. They know that by owning both horses in a two horse race it doesn't matter who wins. The globalists' goals will always be front burner with the winner.
This election is no different. Brzezinski, and David Rockefeller founded the subversive Trilateral Commission, Henry Kissinger has been a Rockefeller bagman for as long as I can remember and the Rockefeller/Rothschild connection is old, old news.
Information about Rothschild's personal involvement in our country's elections are skimpy. That makes this video out of the U.K. of one of John McCain's fundraisers so interesting. Of course the die hard "conservative" will shrug his shoulders and say, "So?"
Sadly that would be the exact same reaction we would get from our "liberal" friends if they are made aware of the information included in this report about Obama.
It seems as though after getting educated in government schools, reading, watching and observing elitist's controlled media and television for the last 50 years, today's voters can be separated into two distinct groups of about equal size.
The first of these two groups who call themselves "liberal" will blindly follow the Democratic right arm of the RepubliC-rat political party into a future of Socialism. While the right arm of the one-party-pretending-to-be-two, the so-called "conservatives" will strap on the blinders and follow the Republicans directly into Fascism.
It doesn't really matter; either will take us down different paths leading to the same goal . . . the death of individual freedoms and human rights. The very things our forefathers pasted down to us and many more heroic Americans have fought and died for.
Truth-be-know it's as the late William Cooper said 15 years ago, "It's a done deal anyway."
What makes me so mad is the fact that we could have ended this destruction so easily. I've said it time after time, a two party system makes it too easy for those in power to conspire together to make of our nation what they want. Unless we establish at least one more viable political party to offset this problem our system of government is doomed. You can't make a workable padlock with only 2 numbers, given a little time anyone could open it. You must have at least 3 numbers to make a workable code. Unfortunately, I feel this will never happen.
On the whole Americans are too stupid about the workings of our government to see the future or make a move to change it if they do see it. The main cause of this of course is that the elitist controlled media has refused to report in an equal manner what other splinter American political parties have to offer.
So we Americans will follow the one-worlders down the garden path, replacing Democrats with Republicans and vice versa when we think the party in control at the moment is not working in our own personal interest, yet will not look back over the last 60 years or so to see that, overall, it doesn't matter which of the two parties has been in power; the goal of both are the same. . . . That, of course is a completely controlled populace totally dependent on a central government.

Don't take my word for it. Check out the tube:

1961 speech Eisenhower warns us of New World Order
JFK's Warning about Secret Societies
Bush the 1st welcomes the New World Order
NWO from the Mouths of the Elite

After watching all of the above videos I am assured of one thing, if I'm a paranoiac conspiracy nut, at least I know I'm in good company!

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