Unraveling the Secrets
A Journal of interconnecting facts
Front Page
Will the World Come to Order?
As the first piece of information in this issue we are extremely happy to link to an exclusive World News Daily report that the globalists have announced that "their dream of a North American Union is dead." It was killed by the actions of alert, freedom loving Americans. This is great news. I'm sure the furtherance of the push for the Amero money scam has been moved to a back burner along with the NAU plan.
At any rate, we at THEI are proud to have been involved in some small way with the end of the present push for beginning the NAFTA super-highway in Texas and the introduction of North American Union funny money as foreseen by our friends the Trilateralists.
But let's not start our high-fives or blowing up the party balloons yet. We might have won a skirmish but the war goes on. And it's about to get as heavy as it's ever been . . . .
First, The good News. . . .
North American Union: The dream 'is dead'
Father of alignment of U.S., Mexico, and Canada says secret plan has been killed by left, right.
Posted: July 28, 2008 9:46 pm Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi 2008 World News Daily
The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America is dead, says Robert A. Pastor, the American University professor who for more than a decade has been a major proponent of building a North American Community.
Pastor attributes the failure of SPP [The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America] to its largely bureaucratic nature and the decision policy makers made to keep SPP largely below the radar of public opinion.
"The strategy of acting on technical issues in an incremental, bureaucratic way and keeping the issues away from public view has generated more suspicion than accomplishments," Pastor admitted.
Pastor blames critics for the failure of the SPP, charging it has come under attack from both ends of the political spectrum. [Continue].
So it appears that all the patriot chatter about the Trans Texas Corridor from concerned citizens (see Research Report # 7) may have helped to alert and educate those Americans who appreciate our rights to property and individuality enough to rally behind the angry Texians and make enough noise to stop this N.W.O plan. This doesn't mean the globalists will give up on their major plan. We must not let our guard down yet. I believe the powers-that-be are beginning to realize that things have changed. No longer is what they decide to do an automatically done deal. They will, I'm sure, be returning to the days of deep-cover as they continue to work their nefarious plans from this point on.
We must remember that even in retreat the globalists always have a back-up plan. And don't let's forget that it's also possible that the whole NAFTA highway start-up was actually all part of a side-show. A road show put on in order to draw our attention away from the center ring of their circus. We are facing a situation which may possibly be the most important and frightening to come down the pike in many years. We'll examine this in detail later on in our "Eyeballin' the New World Order" report.
NAW. There isn't a N.W.O. Plan . . .
From: The Guardian
Intelligence sharing: 'A Euro-Atlantic area of freedom, security and privacy'
Europe should consider sharing vast amounts of intelligence and information on its citizens with the US to establish a "Euro-Atlantic area of cooperation" to combat terrorism, according to a high-level confidential report on future security.
The 27 members of the EU should also pool intelligence on terrorism, develop joint video-surveillance and unmanned drone aircraft, start networks of anti-terrorism centre's, and boost the role and powers of an intelligence-coordinating body in Brussels, said senior officials. . . . "Europe editor Ian Traynor looks at a call to pool policing and give the US personal data" by The Future Group, a body of esteemed politicians, has outlined its vision for complete data sharing with Europe and America."
And it's always for our own good, for 'security' reasons. They care about us, how sweet.
New News:
Stuff the mainstream media might not consider as being newsworthy
Chemical Traces of High Explosives in WTC Debris
Josh Mitteldorf / OpEd News August 5, 2008
In an article published this week in the journal Environmentalist, chemical engineer Kevin Ryan collects evidence from EPA documents that suggest there was both Thermate and high-explosives in the debris from the WTC collapse. Ryan was formerly employed by Environmental Health Labs, a division of Underwriters Labs, before he was fired for raising these and other questions. [Complete Report]
DURBAN lecturer and his students have detected a radio source, possibly from an alien source, from beyond the solar system with the aid of their specially built radio telescope.Before you read on, I'll remind everyone this ...Gliese 581 has planets in the habitable zone, which is also in the constellation Sagittarius, the very same constellation where this signal came from. [Complete Report]
Scientists closer to developing invisibility cloak
Monday, August 11, 2008
(08-11) 17:03 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) --
Scientists say they are a step closer to developing materials that could render people and objects invisible. Researchers have demonstrated for the first time they were able to cloak three-dimensional objects using artificially engineered materials that redirect light around the objects.
Previously, they only have been able to cloak very thin two-dimensional objects.
The findings, by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, led by Xiang Zhang, are to be released later this week in the journals Nature and Science.
The new work moves scientists a step closer to hiding people and objects from visible light, which could have broad applications, including military ones. [Continue Report]
The Search for Subterranean Secrets
Secret Cold War bunker vacant in Chatham
FEARRINGTON VILLAGE - For 45 years, it has generated speculation and wild rumors of missile silos, UFOs and odd columns of smoke.
Now one of the nation's most secret Cold War installations -- a giant underground bunker built into a hilltop now flanked by some of fast-growing northern Chatham County's most genteel subdivisions -- has apparently closed. [Continue Report].
Did iron cyclones give Earth a wonky core August 2008
From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues
IT'S not just the sphere of culture that has an east-west divide. The Earth's inner core of solid iron also behaves differently in each hemisphere, transmitting seismic waves faster in the eastern side than in the west.
The phenomenon has baffled scientists, but now numerical simulations developed by Julien Aubert of the French national research centre's Institute of Geophysics in Paris and his team suggest that the anomaly may be due to subterranean "cyclones" found in parts of the liquid iron outer core. [Continue article]
'Little people' e-mail zips through rural Alaska
Published: May 31st, 2008 11:11 PMLast Modified: May 31st, 2008 03:04 AM
An intriguing e-mail hit Bush Alaska in May. In it, a hunter from Marshall recounted how he found a boy alleged to have been abducted by the ircenrraat.
Ircenrraat (singular: ircenrraq; say "irr-chin-hhak" with a harsh hh and you're getting close) are a recurring theme in traditional Yup'ik teachings and legends, "little people" who dwell in the tundra, usually underground. They disorient, discomfort and trap unwary humans.
City folk usually dismiss ircenrraat as superstition. Those who have lived in Yup'ik country for any period of time tend to be a little more inclined to listen. For one thing, the stories are persistent and often come from respectable observers. For another, when you're by yourself in the middle of nowhere, things happen that are hard to explain. . . . [Continue Report]
They may have lost the 12 lane highway across Texas, but Mexican trucks are still rolling on U.S. roads.
From ABC News
U.S. Extends Mexico Truck Program Despite Objections
August 4, 2008
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration on Monday extended a test program allowing long-haul trucks from Mexico full access to U.S. highways for up to two years, despite pending legislation in Congress to shut it down. (Continue)
Planet Earth's Unknown Creatures
Large Reptilian 'Dinosaur-Like' Creature Reported on Umbungi Island in Papua New Guinea
Since the 1990s, a large 'reptilian' creature has been sighted occasionally on Umbungi Island in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Umbungi Island is located on the south coast of West New Britain between Kandrian and Gasmata. The creature has also been sighted on Alage Island, about 1km to the south of Ambungi Island.I interviewed a young man on Umbungi Island, Robert, who sighted the creature around 2005/2006. The creature was also sighted at the same time by Tony Avil, who was not on Umbungi Island when I was there. Robert does not speak English, so an interpreter was used to translate Pidgin to English. . . . (Continue)
Losing the yeti in forgotten nation of Bhutan
By Tim Sullivan, Associated Press Writer
August 10, 2008.
SIGNYAR, Bhutan --He remembers the darkness of the pine forest, and the foot prints, and his terror when the creature began to howl. He remembers the stories of his childhood, of a beast that stalked the upper reaches of the mountains, and how fear spread through the village every time it was spotted.In a remote Himalayan kingdom that held out against the modern world for as long as it could, the old man remembers a time when the yeti was a normal part of life."\"The creature has always been out there, and it's out there still," says Sonam Dorji, 77, sitting on the pockmarked wooden floor of his small farmhouse. . . . [Complete Report]
'Montauk Monster' Mystery Goes Hollywood
Friday, August 08, 2008
The Web site reported Thursday that the crew of "Splinterheads," a movie about carnival life being filmed in Patchogue, N.Y. - not far from where the "monster" reportedly was found - posted the claim and a photo of the carcass on its Web site,
'We have the Montauk Monster," the site proclaims, along with a photo of the beast. (Continue)
Flying Saucer Report
Continuing the Research of Ray Palmer, the first UFO investigator
Edgar Mitchell's Roswell Revelations and Pentagon Briefing
August 8, 2008 at 16:38:34
Edgar Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico. He later briefed a committee of the Joint Chiefs on what he knew about the 1947 UFO crash and was told it was all true.
When former Astronaut Edgar Mitchell recently told the world that he had been briefed on Aliens and UFOs by the U.S. Government, the media reacted by treating his comments with disdain. Their own bias against any acknowledgement that Aliens might be visiting our world and unwillingness to accept the word of a national hero that UFOs are intelligently controlled spacecrafts from another world may have caused them to miss the historical significance of what he said. (Continue)
150 UFO sightings in UK in 2008
London, Aug.10 : The British Ministry of Defense has said that 150 apparent 'flying saucers' have been reported to it, the police and military bases in 2008 so far, compared to 135 in 2007 and 97 in 2006.
These figures were released under the Freedom of Information Act, and according to The Sunday Telegraph suggest that 2008 will be a bumper year for alien activity. . . . A Defense Ministry spokesman said that as long as the sightings presented no threat to British airspace, they would not be investigated further. . . . [Continue]
Australian UFO sightings surge
Lea Emery and Darren Cartwright
August 10, 2008 06:00pm
THIS year could set a record for UFO sightings across Australia as the new X-Files movie sparks renewed interest in extra terrestrial life forms.
That's according to Diane Harrison, national director of the Australian UFO Research Network, which has recorded more than 50 apparent UFO visits across the country in the past fortnight.
"We usually only get between 10 and 20 reports a week," she told[Continue Report]
Eyewitness News Reports: "Glowing UFO Crash near California."
August 02, 2008 06:07 PM EDT (Updated: August 02, 2008 06:18 PM EDT)
. . . On May 14th the Eyewitness News Channel 8 reported a large object with a turquoise hue plummeting out of the sky earlier this summer and plowed into the Earth south of Las Vegas. Eyewitnesses say this was no meteorite, especially since they witnessed a group of black helicopters flying in formation to quickly haul it away. . . . This video is certainly worth the time to watch and more details are covered in the video regarding the local airport and secret flights to the area 51 base. There has not been an official UFO crash since the Roswell, New Mexico incident. . . .[Report w/Video]...
West Virginia almost a UFO heaven?
Mannix PorterfieldRegister-Herald Reporter
August 10, 2008 10:50 pm
West Virginia prides itself as a land of majestic mountains, sparkling streams, coal to feed hungry power plants, a unique place in American history and a fiercely independent people accustomed to overcoming hard times with a resiliency unrivaled by anyone else. Now add another chapter to the 35th state's storied history -- more documented UFO activity than any other place in America.Even eclipsing Roswell. . . . [Continue]
Alternative Energy
Compressed air cars eyed by industry
By Staff WritersNew Paltz, N.Y. (UPI) Aug 9, 2008
Although doubted by some as impractical, plans for a car that runs on compressed air is generating a buzz, U.S. industry observers say.
Zero Pollution Motors of New Paltz, N.Y., has obtained a license from MDI of Barcelona, Spain, to produce the six-seat "air cars" in the United States, which is says it will begin delivering for less than $18,000 in 2010, CNN reported Saturday.
Shiva Vencat, vice president of MDI and CEO of Zero Pollution Motors, says the cars use compressed air in much the same way old locomotives used steam to power engine pistons. He told the broadcaster that one or more tanks of air under the car's floor would work in tandem with an 8-gallon gasoline tank to produce fuel efficiency ratings of up to 106 miles per gallon. [Complete Report]
Sunny Prospects for Solar Cell Manufacturing Equipment Market
By Staff WritersPalo Alto CA (SPX) Aug 11, 2008
Escalating global population, changing lifestyles and rapid industrialization has created a huge disparity in demand and supply of crude oil, causing its prices to overshoot the $120 a barrel mark. Natural sources of energy such as oil, coal, and natural gas are milked dry, forcing authorities to explore alternate energy sources. [Complete Report]
Eyeballin' the New World Order:
The REAL Architects of Change
"In This NEW WORLD such dangerous currents have swept along faster than our effort to contain them and that is why we [the world] cannot afford to be divided. No one nation, no matter how powerful or large can defeat such challenges alone. Partnership and cooperation between nations is not a choice. It is the only way, the one way, to protect our common security and our common humanity." Obama, Berlin Germany, 2008
I found it symbolic that Obama gave his "New World Order" speech in Berlin, Germany, the very place where Adolf Hitler first laid out his plans for a New World Order?
Powerful Illuminati Symbolism?

More Symbolism?
One Nation, Under a New Obama Salute August 07, 2008 04:53 PM ET Paul Bedard
. . If a Los Angeles creative agency gets its way, Sen. Barack Obama will see fans meet him with his own salute like the one above. "Our goal is to see a crowd of 75,000 people at Obama's nomination speech holding their hands above their heads, fingers laced together in support of a new direction for this country, a renewed hope, and acceptance of responsibility for our future," says Rick Husong, owner of The Loyalty Inc. . . .
Humm. Didn't another leader have his own salute? Hint: Sieg Hail!
I think Obama's salute says a lot. To me it symbolizes a fair warning of where the one-worlders plan on putting it to us.
Probably the most important single clue as to the immediate future we all face was the endorsement of Obama for president by the architect of the Tri-literal movement, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Actually with Obama's recent world wide tour it looks like he could very well be being groomed as possibly the First Leader of the New World down the road a-ways.
Since the late 1970's I have strongly felt that Mr. Brzezinski, along with his counterpart on the other side of the same coin Henry Kissinger, to be two of the most dangerous men behind the scenes in the World when it came to the planned overthrow of America's sovereignty and demolishing the very idea of individual freedoms. What has transpired in those 30-odd years since hasn't changed my mind one iota. Time and research has only made me believe more firmly that that is true.
The best explanation as to just who this guy Brzezinski aka Zbig is and his most important place in the movement towards a controlled world can be found in this rundown by Jim Marrs in his latest excellently researched and presented book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, (C) 2008;
The concept of the Trilateral Commission was brought to David Rockefeller in the early 1970s by Zbigniew Brzezinski then head of the Russian studies department at Columbia University. . . . In a book titled "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era," Brzezinski foresaw a society "that is shaped culturally, psychologically, socially, and economically by the impact of technology and electronics." . . . He also declared, "National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept. . . ."
[Note: I urge everyone to read Jim Marrs newest book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich (2008). I believe this to be one of the most important publications I've read in over 10 years, and I read a lot! This timely and well researched book filled in a lot of gaps in my own personal research. But be warned. The information Mr. Marrs reveals only accents the fact that our future as a free people is coming to an end].
. . . The book Between Two Ages was published in 1970, in which he called for a new international monetary system, and is considered to be the "Bible" of the Trilateralists.
Let's see . . . Zbig believes that "National Sovereignty is no longer a viable concept" and "a new international monetary system" is needed. Sound familiar? Do you think the first skirmish in the North America part of the tri-lateral plan for a one world government could have been the NAFTA highway and the Amero? I'm positive of it.
Jim Marrs also reported in The Rise of the Fourth Reich;
[The] Brzezinski plan for a commission of trilateral nations was first presented during a meeting of the ultra secret Bilderburg Group on April 1972, in the small Belgian town of Knokke. Reception to Brzezinski's proposal reportedly was enthusiastic.
The Trilateral commission was officially founded on July 1, 1973, with David Rockefeller as chairman. Brzezinski was named founding North American director, North American members included Georgia governor Jimmy Carter, U.S. Congressman John B. Anderson (another presidential candidate).
Although Brzezinski's endorsement almost insures that the globalist have tapped Obama as the next president, the controllers always hedge their bets. . As Patrick Wood reports in the following article,
Every Administration since Carter has had top-level Trilateral Commission representation through the President or Vice-President, or both! George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Dick Cheney are all members.
Unless Obama does something stupid or has done something real stupid in the pass that comes to light before election day and his keepers can't surpass it it's obvious to anyone who has watched the real masters manipulate the puppets in every presidential election since JFK that Obama has definitely already been tapped. That doesn't mean the one-worlders don't have another puppet, his strings slack for now, waiting in the wings. In this case it's John McCain on the arm of another Rockefeller groupie, Henry Kissinger. The other one on my "two most dangerous men" list.
Both Sides of the Same Dime
A vote for either Obama or McCain is a vote for the complete destruction of America!
Obama and McCain: Pawns of the Global Elite?
By Patrick Wood
From the August Review:
Will it matter if Obama or McCain are elected in November? Hardly.
Both are rigidly backed by important members of the Trilateral Commission who hijacked the Executive Brach of the U.S. government starting in 1976 with the election of Jimmy Carter.
In Obama's case, Zbigniew Brzezinski (co-founder of the Commission in 1973) is emerging as his principal advisor on foreign policy. Ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volker has made a once-in-a-lifetime, glowing endorsement of Obama. Madelyn Albright is seen sitting next to Obama in several conferences. Shoot, even Jimmy Carter himself endorses Obama. All are top members of the Commission.
John McCain is being supported by several Trilateral Commission giants including: Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, Lawrence Eagleburger and Alexander Haig. All of these are ex-Secretaries of State who issued a joint endorsement of McCain early-on in his campaign.
Dr. Henry Kissinger Endorses John McCain for President
You would think that Americans would want to know who the "special interests" are that are embodied by this Trilateral Commission, and what they intend to do or not do with America. . (Continue)
"The Trilateral organization created by David Rockefeller was a surrogate -- the members selected by Rockefeller, its purposes defined by Rockefeller, its funding supplied by Rockefeller. David Rockefeller screened and selected every individual who was invited to participate." Senator Berry Goldwater (R) Retired.
What really blows me away is the fact that so many people still believe that the election results that are fed to us on election night by a controlled media are the true wishes of the people. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when David Rockefeller gives a fortune to one candidate or the other that all involved know that there will be a reckoning someday.
If you follow the money trail you can trace every presidential candidate since JFK's murder, and many before that, back to Rockefeller and Rothschild money.
And the Rockefellers and their pals don't mess around. They know that by owning both horses in a two horse race it doesn't matter who wins. The globalists' goals will always be front burner with the winner.
This election is no different. Brzezinski, and David Rockefeller founded the subversive Trilateral Commission, Henry Kissinger has been a Rockefeller bagman for as long as I can remember and the Rockefeller/Rothschild connection is old, old news.
Information about Rothschild's personal involvement in our country's elections are skimpy. That makes this video out of the U.K. of one of John McCain's fundraisers so interesting. Of course the die hard "conservative" will shrug his shoulders and say, "So?"
Sadly that would be the exact same reaction we would get from our "liberal" friends if they are made aware of the information included in this report about Obama.
It seems as though after getting educated in government schools, reading, watching and observing elitist's controlled media and television for the last 50 years, today's voters can be separated into two distinct groups of about equal size.
The first of these two groups who call themselves "liberal" will blindly follow the Democratic right arm of the RepubliC-rat political party into a future of Socialism. While the right arm of the one-party-pretending-to-be-two, the so-called "conservatives" will strap on the blinders and follow the Republicans directly into Fascism.
It doesn't really matter; either will take us down different paths leading to the same goal . . . the death of individual freedoms and human rights. The very things our forefathers pasted down to us and many more heroic Americans have fought and died for.
Truth-be-know it's as the late William Cooper said 15 years ago, "It's a done deal anyway."
What makes me so mad is the fact that we could have ended this destruction so easily. I've said it time after time, a two party system makes it too easy for those in power to conspire together to make of our nation what they want. Unless we establish at least one more viable political party to offset this problem our system of government is doomed. You can't make a workable padlock with only 2 numbers, given a little time anyone could open it. You must have at least 3 numbers to make a workable code. Unfortunately, I feel this will never happen.
On the whole Americans are too stupid about the workings of our government to see the future or make a move to change it if they do see it. The main cause of this of course is that the elitist controlled media has refused to report in an equal manner what other splinter American political parties have to offer.
So we Americans will follow the one-worlders down the garden path, replacing Democrats with Republicans and vice versa when we think the party in control at the moment is not working in our own personal interest, yet will not look back over the last 60 years or so to see that, overall, it doesn't matter which of the two parties has been in power; the goal of both are the same. . . . That, of course is a completely controlled populace totally dependent on a central government.
Don't take my word for it. Check out the tube:
1961 speech Eisenhower warns us of New World Order
JFK's Warning about Secret Societies
Bush the 1st welcomes the New World Order
NWO from the Mouths of the Elite
After watching all of the above videos I am assured of one thing, if I'm a paranoiac conspiracy nut, at least I know I'm in good company!
Labels: Alternative Energy, NAU Dead, NEW News, Obama= McCain and Trilateralist, Search for Subterranean Secrets, UFO Report, Unknown Creatures, Wiil the World Come to Order?
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