Tuesday, December 23, 2008

THEI #17

Research Report
# 17
Unraveling the Secrets
a journal of interconnecting facts
2008 Archives
Jan 2004 - May 1 - 2006
Most of this time during this period I was publishing weekly so there is a lot of material here.

Happy Holidays!!!

Page One
Those Low, Down & Dirty Educational Blues,
But, Can you Dance to It?

"The blues is like that problem child that you may have had in your family, you was a little bit ashamed to let anyone see him, but you love him". . . . B.B. King.

Besides my love of researching stuff I have an older, deeper love. Blues based music.

The first blues record I ever heard was I Got a Woman by Ray Charles on the jukebox in a bar in El Paso Texas in 1954. I was the ripe old age of 11. At the time I was a newspaper boy working the streets, bars and eateries of this Texas border town. This bar was one of my regular stops where I was always assured of selling at least a couple of newspapers to the soldiers stationed at nearby Ft. Bliss. I guess, looking back, the reason I was so lucky selling newspapers to the army guys was I was sort of unique, being the only gringo newsboy in the mostly Hispanic community. The next introduction to the distinctive music happened a year later on the jukebox at my father's restaurant in Houston where we relocated after leaving El Paso. This time it was the timeless classic, the great jump blues song, Shake Rattle & Roll by Big Joe Turner. Of course I didn't know anything about the blues at that time, I just knew I liked the sounds the musicians were putting down.

By 1957 we were living in Jacksonville Florida and I, like most of my peers, had become a big fan of Rock 'n' Roll music. We had to depend on our own record collections to enjoy the music because the only Rock 'n' Roll available on conservative Jacksonville Florida radio at the time was an hour on Saturday night. And that was only for a short period of time. I even remember the shows name; Scotty's Music Box with Deejay Scotty Ferguson.
[I heard years later on a local talk show that Scotty was the number one DJ in Anchorage Alaska for a period, although I could find no mention of him anywhere during the 6 years I lived in Anchorage myself nor on the net anywhere today. If anyone knows anything about him please let me know].
Scotty left Jacksonville shortly after I started listening to his show under whispered circumstances. And there for a period of time we had no source for the new sounds we craved to hear except for juke boxes in our hangouts, the occasional
sock hops at school, weekend dances in the public parks and, of course, 45 RPM records.
Back then there was no FM, we only had AM radio to listen to and the format was much like today's TV. Except for that one hour a week of Scotty's Music Box during the short period he was on the air the choices for a teenager in Jacksonville were slim.
Arthur Godfrey, Comedy sitcoms, action, drama, game shows and news were the staples of radio at that time. The only music available on radio and, the new medium, television was geared to our parents taste. Big Band, Frank Sinatra and Your Hit Parade. Stuff like The Shrimp Boats Are A-Coming by Jo Stafford, a song I hated!

However, my best friend at the time, Johnny Mills, turned me on to the fact that if you tuned your radio to 1510 way down in no-mans-land at the end of the dial late at night you could pick up WLAC, a 5000 watt station out of Nashville Tennessee. And they played records by black Rock 'n' Roll artists like Little Richard, Fats Domino and Chuck Berry. But the staple of their play list was Rhythm and Blues - which was the name given to the black Rock and Roll music of the times - very much different than what they call Rhythm and Blues today. On WLAC I heard not only this forbidden music, but also the deejays who introduced me to these exciting sounds, Hoss Allen, Gene Nobles and my favorite deejay of all time, the man with the distinctive voice . . . John R. Richbourg, or simply "John R." [Hear John R. here] (I was a grown man before I found out that he was white, not that it mattered).
Even though I didn't have the $3.69 plus shipping to send to
Ernie's Record Mart for the Special Blues Record Sets they hawked, I could wish. Of course as a white teenager living in the deep south during that time period listening to 'darky' music from far away Nashville in the dead of night was almost rebellious. Therefore, along with the great music came the added thrill of the feeling that we were doing something almost illegal.
Johnny also taught me about hanging around the local juke box distributors shops and begging for discarded records. Most of what they gave us was junk, but we also built up a pretty good blues record collection at no cost this way. In fact the workers there got to know us so well they would put outdated blues records aside for us. The 45's I had are long gone but this was the beginning of my record collection which now consists of over 2500 LPS and hundreds of CDs, mostly blues, 50s Rock and Roll and honky tonk. What does all this have to do with the closest guarded secret in the world and the New World Order you might ask. As John R. would say, "Stay tuned and you'll find out."

But first . . .

REAL New News . . .
and Stuff the mainstream press might not consider to be newsworthy.

Financial Meltdown: The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History
How to Reverse the Tide and Democratize the US Monetary System

by Ellen Brown
On October 15, the Presidential candidates had their last debate before the election. They talked of the baleful state of the economy and the stock market; but omitted from the discussion was what actually caused the credit freeze, and whether the banks should be nationalized as Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson is now proceeding to do. The omission was probably excusable, since the financial landscape has been changing so fast that it is hard to keep up. A year ago, the Dow Jones Industrial Average broke through 14,000 to make a new all-time high. Anyone predicting then that a year later the Dow would drop nearly by half and the Treasury would move to nationalize the banks would have been regarded with amused disbelief. But that is where we are today.

Dennis Kucinich "Racketeering On A Scale This Country Has Never Seen Before!!!"

Leading Economist Warns of Food Riots
Letters of Credit and The Disruption of International Trade: Systemic Risk, Contagion and Trade Finance
The London Banker and RGE Monitor
November 15, 2008 -
Global Research - November 15, 2008

Back in the old days (pre-1980s), the term systemic risk did not refer to contagion of illiquidity within the financial sector alone. Back then, when the real economy was much more important than low margin, unglamorous banking, it was understood that the really scary systemic risk was the risk of contagion of illiquidity from the financial sector to the real economy of trade in real goods and real services. . . (complete Report)

Global Warming/Global Cooling;
Take your pick

"You know, to think that we could affect weather all that much is pretty arrogant. "Mother Nature is so big, the world is so big, the oceans are so big - I think we're going to die from a lack of fresh water or we're going to die from ocean acidification before we die from global warming, for sure." . . .CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers
Report w/video)

Global Cooling is Here
Evidence for Predicting Global Cooling for the Next Three Decades
by Prof. Don J. Easterbrook
Global Research, November 2, 2008
Department of Geology, Western Washington University

The following article represents an alternative view and analysis of global climate change, which challenges the dominant Global Warming Consensus. Global Research does not necessarily endorse the proposition of "Global Cooling", nor does it accept at face value the Consensus on Global Warming. Our purpose is to encourage a more balanced debate on the topic of global climate change. . . . (Complete article)

Scientist Fired by Gore for Refusing to Drink the Coolade

Political science - when science is made to fit policy requirements of politicians

Happer made the mistake of crossing Vice President Al Gore, the Clinton administration's ranking environmentalist. In April, Happer testified before the House Energy and Water Development Subcommittee on Appropriations. "I think that there probably has been some exaggeration of the dangers of ozone and global climate change," he said. (Complete article)

U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
Minority Staff Report
Released: December 11, 2008
(Update of the 2007 Report: "Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made
Global Warming Claims in 2007")

Prominent Scientist Fired By Gore Says Warming Alarm 'Mistaken'
Joins Senate Report of More Than 650 Dissenting Scientists
'The current alarm over carbon dioxide is mistaken'
Link to Full Printable PDF Report of More Than 650 Dissenting Scientists

Drinking the Coolade:
Spend the trillions on climate!
By Martin Khor
December 15, 2008 - The two crises of our times - economic recession and global warming - should be tackled together. The trillions of dollars earmarked for economic recovery can be spent to fight climate change. The economic crisis should not stop governments from serious action to combat climate change, but should instead be an opportunity to fund climate-related activities.
This was a clear message that came out of the last days of the United Nations climate talks at Poznan in Poland.
Complete article)

New Section
HD TV - Big Brother's Newest Toy

The Sound of Silence
The Antithesis of Freedom
[Editor's Note: This is an extremely timely and important essay. It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. . . . . . . . This technology is about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into 'compliance' with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition DIGITAL TV that will enter your home via A) Cable, B) Satellite, C) HD TVs, or D) those oh-so-easy -to-obtain "Digital Converter boxes" that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf. . . . (
Complete Report)

Sun Dec 21, 2008 21:09
By Harry V. Martin and David Caul

There was just a small news announcement on the radio in early July after a short heat wave, three inmates of Vacaville Medical Facility had died in non-air conditioned cells. Two of those prisoners, the announcement said, may have died as a result of medical treatment. No media inquiries were made, no major news stories developed because of these deaths. But what was the medical treatment that may have caused their deaths? The Medical Facility indicates they were mind control or behavior modification treatments. A deeper probe into the death of these two inmates unravels a mind-boggling tale of horror that has been part of California penal history for a long time, and one that caused national outcries two decades ago. . . . (Complete Series)

THEI Public Service Announcement

US/Mexico Border Watch
In April-May of this year Marsha and I spent 6 weeks in Texas - most of the time was spent along the area of the border with Mexico - which included many day trips into Mexico itself. What we noticed most during the crossings into Mexico was that there is far to much legal traffic for our Border Patrol and Customs agents to handle, never mind the illegal activity. This is no fault of the many dedicated agents we met along the border. The amount of usage of the legal border crossings is staggering. They need help. Well there is a way we as Americans can help fight the illegal immigration problem and other frontier crime. Join the Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition's Virtual Border Watch. According to their webpage:

The Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition is comprised of 20 sheriffs from counties along the Texas-Mexico border. The coalition was formed in 2005 to protect Texans from criminal organizations that had long exploited the state's southern border.
November 19, 2008

News From:The Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition

For More Information: Donald L. Reay, Executive Director
info@blueservo.com support@blueservo.com

The Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition
(TBSC) has instituted the Texas Virtual Border Watch Program to enlist the public's assistance in preventing crime along the Texas-Mexico border. This initiative provides real-time streaming video over a web-based network to enable the public to report suspicious activity to the appropriate law enforcement agency via email. Day and night surveillance cameras have been placed strategically throughout the border region to deny drug and human smugglers unobserved access to the U.S. by placing high-threat areas under public surveillance. The numbers and locations of these cameras will constantly change based on threat. To view the Texas Virtual Border Watch cameras, the public can visit the
www.blueservo.net website. . .

Finally an occasion where we as citizens can actually do something to help our country and its citizens. I've decided to dedicate some time each day to checking out any activity revealed by the cameras on the site and report anything suspicious. Of course I'm now retired so I can afford the time to do that. I urge you to help also. Even if its just once in a while. What ever fits your schedule best. Who knows one of us might be instrumental in stopping the next 911 attack.
Weird and Wild for 2008
From AOL News
From the mysterious creature that washed ashore and touched off an intense debate over its identity, to a corn flake the shape of Illinois netting millions on eBay, there was never a shortage of offbeat news in 2008. How well do you remember some of the year's strangest stories?
Take our 2008 weird and wild news quiz.

Real Stories of the New World Order
"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom
and democracy - but that could change"
. . George. W. Bush

Kissinger Calls For New International System Out Of World Crises
Says global necessities should foster an "age of compatible interests"
December 19, 2008
Bilderberg luminary Henry Kissinger has repeated his routine call for a new international political order, stating that global crises should be seen as an opportunity to move toward a borderless world where national interests are outweighed by global necessities.
Speaking with Charlie Rose earlier this week, Kissinger cited the chaos being wrought across the globe by the financial crisis and the spread of terrorism as an opportunity to bolster a new global order.

Federal Reserve sets stage for Weimar-style Hyperinflation
by F. William Engdahl
The Federal Reserve has bluntly refused a request by a major US financial news service to disclose the recipients of more than $2 trillion of emergency loans from US taxpayers and to reveal the assets the central bank is accepting as collateral. Their lawyers resorted to the bizarre argument that they did so to protect 'trade secrets.' Is the secret that the US financial system is de facto bankrupt? The latest Fed move is further indication of the degree of panic and lack of clear strategy within the highest ranks of the US financial institutions. Unprecedented Federal Reserve expansion of the Monetary Base in recent weeks sets the stage for a future Weimar-style hyperinflation perhaps before 2010.
complete report)

From Global Crisis to "Global Government"
US Intelligence: A Review of Global Trends 2025

The United States' National Intelligence Council has released a report, entitled
Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World. This declassified document is the fourth report of the Global Trends 2025: The National Intelligence Council's 2025 Project.

The "New Agenda for America" A Weapon of Mass Destruction Against the Globalist Agenda and the New World Order
The "New Agenda for America" (NAA) is a set of policy planks that I feel most American's already support but ironically have no support from the officials we have elected to represent us. It can also be thought of as notice to our elected representatives that you had better start representing the American People and not the interests of Multi-National Corporations and other global elites. . . .
. . . The link
[below] contains about an hours worth of videos which I have produced to explain various aspects and rationales' for the New Agenda for America. While the various planks may seem unrelated the real intent is to preserve the sovereignty of the United States by throwing a massive wrench into the machinery of the New World Order. . .

Youtube: Take the Red Pill

Obama Watch

UPDATE: Questions Continue About Obama's U.S. Citizenship

Nancy Morgan
Updated: December 17, 2008
December 17, 2008
San Francisco Chronicle

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has rejected two more efforts to get the court to consider whether President-elect Barack Obama is eligible to take office.

December 15, 2008
Justices Won't Review Obama's Eligibility to Serve
The Supreme Court has turned down another challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility to serve president because of his citizenship. The appeal by Cort Wrotnowski of Greenwich, Conn., was denied Monday without comment. (Complete timeline /w video)

More Bad News For Obama
Contributed by Administrator
by Barry Weinstein
Dr. T.B. Bradley, Psy. D. Forensic Psychologist who works for the Criminal Justice System and the Courts, accuses Obama's Mother of Fraud on Obama Birth Docs.
Obama's mother defrauded the United States not once, but twice due to her out of US births of her children that she desperately sought to protect by late registration births with false and fraudulent information declaring that both children were born on US soil. (
Complete Report)

From the Black Agenda Report:
Barack Obama: The Empire's New Clothes
by Paul Street
Barack Obama and his followers continue to revise the history of his ascendance, pretending his campaign was rooted among the "outsiders." The public line is a fiction, as even the most rudimentary research reveals. In fact, Obama's own words document his intense courtship of the rich and powerful. Unfortunately, "few if any of Obama's staunchest supporters have bothered to read a single solitary word of Obama's blatantly imperial, nationalist, and militarist foreign policy speeches and writings,"says the author. "And my sense is they never will." (
Complete report).

[Note: For some reason the above report has advertisements which overlap the report. However, I feel the information and source of the report to be so important that I have included the link anyway. I found that if you highlight the article it will bring the covered portion to the front so that you can read it. . . Dennis].

The Fate of The Most Powerful Nation:
The Rise of the United Socialist States of America

Flying Saucer Reports Continuing the research of the first UFO investigator, Ray "Rap" Palmer


Year of UFOs in Stephenville ending with more sightings
Steve Hammons
December 18, 2008
It looks like nearly the entire year of 2008 was filled with UFOs and other unusual goings-on in the town of Stephenville and Erath County, Texas. As late as Oct. 23, people in Erath County were still spotting very odd lights and an object hovering in the sky. . . . (
Complete article)

Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Top 5 Ufo Disclosure Non-Events Of 2008
UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock
In 1947 the US government announced that it had found a UFO wreckage. One day later, the story was retracted. Sixty years later the citizens wait for the government once again to come forward with some answers. This website will track how that information is forthcoming.
As many of you know, this blog began about a year ago to follow the governments level of disclosure concerning 'Ufo's' - and, - it's been an interesting 'Disclosure' year, to say the least. It seems that on several fronts 'new information' wanted to come forward about the possible interaction of aliens with our planet and humans. And, if real, this 'new information' was really in a better position to be of value to most people than the continued non-involvement of the federal government. Indeed, it appears as if we will all end 2008 without even a smidgen of 'give' in the official government position about Ufo's and disclosure. Some have the audacity to have hope in the new Obama administration
. . . (
Complete report)

Area 51 Decoy Now, Real Activity Hanford Washington, Confirmed
From Anonymous
Permission to use this info is granted! Please get this out everywhere.

1st Message received:
Have contact who did rev eng on alien propulsion at Hanford. (Washington). No hoax. …

2nd message received:
. . . During he 1970s I was in the USAF as an electronics technician stationed in the California Mojave desert. During that time I became friends with another AF technician, for the course of this exchange we'll call him Jay. . . . [Recently the writer visited Jay after long years of no contact. During that meeting Jay revealed the following] . . . Jay related to me how he was recruited in the early 80's to work on a project reverse engineering an alien propulsion system. He claims that this work was done at a DOE site near Richland, WA. Jay also implied that Area 51 for years now has been no more than a decoy - the real work having been long ago moved to the Richland area. . . (
Complete report)

Youtube: NASA's Film of UFOs

After UFO sightings, alien hunters to gather here
County Courier Times
What started with a single UFO sighting over a Middletown Mexican restaurant Jan. 26 has turned into a science fiction sensation. (
complete report)

UK government recruits 'X-Files' type FBI agents to solve UFO mystery
London, Nov 18 : With claims of UFO sightings increasing day-by-day, the UK Government has recruited a squad of special FBI agents who will be functioning like 'Mulder and Scully' of the 'X-Files' to investigate the matter. (
Complete Report)


Roswell: The Case That Refuses to Go away
MOGUL: The Balloon To Nowhere

Black triangle UFOs 'not piloted by alien beings'
Published Date: 13 November 2008
Friday 11am - RECENT sightings of triangular shaped UFOs in the Louth area have lead to claims they are piloted by Americans. (
Complete report)

140 years of UFO sightings - Part I

Unusual Vehicle Damage Ignites Mufon

Crop Circles; Who's Playing in Our Cereal?

Youtube: ufo blueprints in crop circles?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

NEW Crop Circles
Crop Circles Near Ipuca, Santa Catarina
Video: News Report

Eyeballin' The New World Order
"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom
and democracy - but that could change"
. . . George. W. Bush

By NWV News Director, Jim Kouri

November 15, 2008
Under a United Kingdom government security plan examined by reporters from the London-based Daily Telegraph, all countries would submit classified - even secret - information into a central intelligence unit so that
any member nation will have access to it. (Complete Report)


The Ridiculous World of Political Correctness

Court: Quit saying 'illegal aliens' But critics say, 'Let's call drug dealers undocumented pharmacists'

Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor stirred up a hornet's nest by endorsing a demand from the Hispanic Bar Association to censor words and phrases such as "illegal aliens" and "illegal" and substitute "foreign nationals" in court documents.
Then, when
a blog at Judicial Watch reported on the instructions, court officials threatened to sue the government-watchdog organization, prompting its release of a statement defending the story. (Complete Report)

From the Desk of the United States' last Elected Patriot

Ron Paul's Continuing fight for our Construction
Congressman says president elect was chosen long ago to take care of the corporate elite

Steve Watson/
Infowars.net/Wednesday, Nov 6, 2008

Texas Congressman and 2008 presidential candidate Ron Paul has warned that the euphoria surrounding the election of Barack Obama combined with the overwhelming fear of major international crises could facilitate a cataclysmic shift toward a new world order. (Complete Report)

Solid Earth/Hollow Earth

A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field
Dec. 16, 2008:

NASA's five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth's magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist. Solar wind can flow in through the opening to "load up" the magnetosphere for powerful geomagnetic storms. But the breach itself is not the biggest surprise. Researchers are even more amazed at the strange and unexpected way it forms, overturning long-held ideas of space physics. (Complete NASA report) + Play Audio + Download Audio


In Search of Ancient Civilizations

Grave Is Oldest DNA Evidence of Family
(Nov. 17) - A grave with the remains of a mother and father huddled together with two sons has been dated to 4,600 years ago and marks the oldest genetic evidence for a nuclear family, researchers say. (
Complete report)

Mayan world a wonder and a puzzle after eons
CHICHEN ITZA, Mexico - Two stone snakeheads, representations of the Mayan serpent god Kukulcan, watch out from the northern base of El Castillo, the showpiece pyramid in the ancient city of Chichen Itza, here in the Yucatan. Above the heads, 91 impossibly shallow stone steps stretch up into the sky. (
Complete report)

The Search for Mysterious Co-Planetarians

'Hobbit' Fossils Represent A New Species, Concludes Anthropologist
(Dec. 19, 2008) - University of Minnesota anthropology professor Kieran McNulty (along with colleague Karen Baab of Stony Brook University in New York) has made an important contribution toward solving one of the greatest pale anthropological mysteries in recent history - that fossilized skeletons resembling a mythical "hobbit" creature represent an entirely new species in humanity's evolutionary chain.. . . (Complete Report)

REDBRIDGE: 'Bigfoot' spotted again
1:36pm Monday 17th November 2008

MORE people have come forward claiming to have seen a Bigfoot-like creature in the Wanstead and Woodford area.
Last week we revealed how fitness instructor Michael Kent saw a peculiar-looking Bigfoot-like animal emerge from trees near the Hollow Ponds area of Epping Forest, on the border between Wanstead and Leytonstone. And now pensioner Irene Dainty, of Love Lane in Woodford Bridge, claims she was left shaking after she came face to face with a hairy creature which surprised her in her street.
Complete Report)

Secret Black Ops and Mind Control

By Judy Wall
The mind-altering mechanism is based on a subliminal carrier technology: the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), sometimes called "S-quad" or "Squad". It was developed by Dr Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703, "Silent Subliminal Presentation System", dated October 27, 1992. The abstract for the patent reads.(Complete report).

From FAS Project on Government Secrecy:

There were 5,023 invention secrecy orders in effect at the end of FY 2008, up slightly from last year's total of 5,002.Under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, secrecy orders are applied by government agencies to patent applications that may be
"detrimental to national security." The patent is withheld, and the invention described in the application is subject to various degrees of restriction, depending on its sensitivity, from export controls to national security classification.
(Complete report)

THEI Featured Report:
It's Only Rock and Roll:
Taking control of our "free" educational system -
The music connection.

"Education is the Answer" . . . Rev. Martin Luther King

People often ask me, "if it is possible that the theory that the world is hollow and inhabited inside is a probability, how come we are not taught that theory along with the more popular theory of a solid earth in school." In order to understand why we are taught only the accepted possibility of the make-up of our world we must look at who controls our schools, how they got that control and the curriculum they now present.
I have already researched and reported on who controls the schools of higher learning. Briefly. In the late 1700's the Illuminati begin formatting and instituting steps in a master plan to take control of the United States higher educational institutions. By the late 1800s our most prestigious Ivey League universities were in the control of the elitist PhDs with connections to the Illuminati and
Adam Weishaupt.
[Read my article, Who Controls Education?]
However, even though I did the research years ago as to how the controllers got control of our lower educational institutions - the elementary, middle and high schools located in your neighborhood as well as mine - I have never published my findings before now. Here is a possible answer.
After gaining complete control over what is taught in the universities the next step in the plan was to control what we all learned and didn't learn at the entrance level. But, just as in all of the controllers devious plans leading to the New World Order they didn't rush into taking control. First they had to make the citizens of the United States became use to, and dependent upon, the "free school system" of our primary educational institutions. Laws were passed making attendance by every child in the country mandatory with threat of punishment for those parents who didn't conform. The controllers let this system ride in the control of the individual states and local governments for about 100 years to make sure the citizenry was comfortable with and, in fact, expected the government to use taxpayer money to pay for the educate of the country's future workers, voters, leaders and slackers. For appearance sake they allowed the elitist and those with money to send their children to so-called "private schools." However, to reach their goal of complete control of what we learned as children they knew eventually there would have to be a central control point for ALL primary learning in the country. Today we have the Federal Board of Education. The very same department that the Republicans recognized as being a part of our educational problem and in 1996 made abolition of the Department a cornerstone of their campaign promises, calling it "an inappropriate federal intrusion into local, state, and family affairs." The GOP platform read: "The Federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula or to control jobs in the market place. This is why we will abolish the Department of Education, end federal meddling in our schools, and promote family choice at all levels of learning." [Source]. This is of course the same Board of Education that grew twice as large under the period of Republican rule. But where did this lousy excuse for a Federal Department come from? How did the Feds become so entrenched in the local task of teaching our kids? A course which has achieved their goal of dummying down the last generation or two. Once again, as in much of our research into how we have lost control of our lives to these blood-sucking elitist, the trail isn't that hard to follow.

By the late 1940s the controllers had a plan in place which included the age old tactic of divide and conquer. All they needed do was increase the pressure on the existing problems caused due to the segregation of our schools and the misunderstanding between the different cultures of the white people and those of color. Then take control of the school system from the local government using the unrest that would be exploited and spread through their controlled media. The media would write the stories up with an eye on sensationalism and the populace would grow panicky. This tactic was expected to work particularly well in the south. Because of years of mistrust and misunderstanding of each others cultures the same newspaper stories were interpreted differently by whites and blacks.
The first step had taken place eons ago. By design and without a word of protest the controllers had allowed the states, particularly the Southern states, to set up different school systems for the two groups of citizens. Next the plan was to cause unrest between the two groups by bringing to the attention of the minorities that this was unfair and unconstitutional. In the unrest that followed the federal government would step in and take over control of all the local school systems. Their excuse? They were doing it for the children. This began shortly after World War II. But before they could put the full plan into action an unexpected thing happened. . . .
It was called Rock and Roll.
A Quick Overview of American Popular Music
Prior to World War II America's main popular musical output came from Big Bands which consisted of a mixture of musicians from all walks of lives, including a mixture of white and black. It was the love of the music that brought them together, but except for a few all black bands the music was mostly geared towards a white audience. However after the war due to wage increases and higher cost of travel it became financially impossible to move the big bands between cities to gig around the country. Upon returning from the war the musicians broke up into small combos and bands of several people, usually playing closer to home than before the war. The music actually became more segregated by race than had previously been the case. For a short period blacks were playing their big beat Jump Blues strictly to black audiences and white musicians were entertaining white audiences with more mellow standards, western swing and hillbilly music.
Having traveled to other places and having been exposed to a larger world view many black men didn't want to return to the cotton fields and backwaters of the south so they started to migrate into the larger cities like Kansas City, Memphis, New Orleans, Los Angeles and Houston looking for better jobs and more opportunity for their families. Many headed for Chicago. The black musicians took their country blues music and instruments with them and, over time blinded the down home sounds with the local black music styles of these uniquely diverse cities. From there each individual musician developed their own style. Around the same time, with the advent of better recording equipment and vinyl records, the juke box began showing up in larger numbers in juke joints, restaurants and bars replacing the more expensive and sometimes unreliable live bands.

Vinyl rides the rails
The big record labels refused to make "race records" as black recordings were called at the time and small black labels began to appear in these newly developing black communities. Of course distribution was a problem. And getting airtime on the radio, other than on a few obscure stations, was impossible. But the ingenious owners of these small labels got around that in a unique way. During these days before it became popular and inexpensive enough for the average person to travel by air railroads were king and there were passenger trains traveling between most populated towns and cities. The porters who worked on them were black, so the fledgling black record companies would press small runs of records of the local musicians and pass them along to the porters who would carry them from town to town to be distributed by local black business owners and juke box distributors.

Juke Joint Jive
The business of placing these juke boxes in businesses became quite competitive and to keep up with the demand the juke box owners depended on a constant new supply of records to keep the owners of the establishments happy by adding new songs on a regular basis. In order to meet that demand black "rhythm and blues" records began showing up on white establishment machines. White teenagers and future white musicians like Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly and Gene Vincent started to hear this "new" sound and began to like and learn to play and dance to these rocking beats.
Rock-a-Beatin' Boogie
Many historians mistakenly write rock 'n' roll off as nothing more than white people coving black records. It isn't that at all. Rock 'n' Roll is an integrated music. What it is a blend of the black music that was being played in juke joints and the music that was being played in the black juke joints counterparts, white honkey tonks. An easy way to understand this is to listen to the blues song Sweet Home Chicago as sung by the father of the blues, Robert Johnson then, with that song still in your mind, take a listen to Rockin' Chair Daddy by Harmonica Frank as recorded in 1951. Now take the rock out of Frank's honkey tonk tune and combine it with the roll of the Robert Johnson juke joint song. Baby, you got it! Rock 'n' Roll! .
Next came the great visionary Sam Phillips, owner of a small recording studio in Memphis called Sun Studios, who started out recording country and hillbilly music; Sam was later to be known world-wide as the man who discovered Elvis. He was a true music lover, who, upon seeing all of this black talent leaving the south and heading for Chicago and other large cities of the north and west, hired Ike Turner to go out amongst the black southern communities and record as much of this largely ignored historical music as he could before it was lost to the south.
Up and coming white musicians started jamming with the black musicians in after hours hangouts while at the same time the highly danceable music began to get more and more popular with hip white kids. Another shot-in-the-arm for the music; in 1953 Texas Instruments invented the transistor radio and by 1956 3.1 million portable radios were being sold a year. Kids were snatching the transistors up like hamburgers. Suddenly we all had our own little Rock 'n' Roll portable personal juke boxes. The advent of the 45 rpm record, with its smaller size and durability making it more portable than the 78s helped with swapping and loaning the records between teenagers. And the 5000 watt late night stations were blasting the music from more and more sources eventually covering the country with Rock 'n' Roll and rhythm and blues. And local programming was changing with the times. By the end of 1960 rock 'n' roll music was king on AM.
Another boost came from the deejays, people like my hero John R. and the others from WLAC mentioned in the first part of this report.
George "Hound Dog" Lorenz in Buffalo, Bob Horn in Philly, Hunter Hancock on the West Coast and the most famous of all Allen "Moon Dog" Freed who is given the credit of coining the name Rock 'n' Roll," all up-and-coming deejays whose own popularity rose as fast as the individual musicians.
The devil's music had a baby - and They Called it Rock 'n' Roll.

Rock 'n' Roll is "the most subtle form of integration that ever existed"

Suddenly the controllers saw they had a huge problem on their hands. Black and white teenagers were starting to mingle. Brought together by a love of this "negro" music, segregation was starting to split at the seams and peaceful integration was a real possibility. The elitist saw this as a major threat to their 200 year plan for complete control of the country's educational institutions. If something wasn't done quickly no telling what might happen. When Allen Freed started to stage Rock 'n' Roll shows with a mixed venue of acts on the same stage; with white and black kids setting side by side and dancing together in the isles those planning the coming Civil Rights wars were worried. The controllers were afraid that these attitudes might spread like wildfire. That maybe this mixture of music would help each race understand the other better and the races would end up mixing naturally and peacefully. This was a change of attitude the New World Order crowd would not tolerate. That would put to much of a crimp in their plans of divide and conquer. They knew they had to push their plans forward . . . quickly! Alan Freed, the most visible of the deejays became a target. They got the break they needed when, on March 22,1952 10,000 fans tried to crash the gates at his Moondog Ball in the Arena in Cleveland Ohio. This was the beginning of the end for a natural and peaceful coming together of the races in America through a common love of music.
Of course all of this history was unknown to my friends and I in 1958 in Jacksonville Florida. All we knew was that we liked the music. We waited anxiously for the next Little Richard, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis or Bill Haley record and all of the other Rock 'n' Roll performers of both races to hit the streets. What race the performers were was of no concern to us. I would have been thrilled to set down to dinner with any one of them.
The school year of 1958 was an exciting year for me. Our school system was still in the hands of local government and our teachers set the curriculum. Back then we were taught how the federal government was suppose to work. Our civics' teacher (unfortunately I can't remember his name) had us read the newspaper every day before class. We spent most of the time in his class discussing the news of the day and what it meant to us personally, our family, our community and our country. And 1958 was a news filled year. Ford rolled out the ugliest car ever built, the Edsel. The Russians had launched Sputnik the year before. Our country retaliated by creating NASA and launching our own satellite, Explorer One. The first nuclear submarine, the Nautilus, went to the North Pole and back. In far away Iraq revolutionaries overthrew the monarchy.
And, closer to home two wars were gathering momentum in the United States. The war for equal rights under the Constitution; and the war against rock 'n' roll. As for the Civil Rights "problem," we discussed it a lot in our civics class. The press was playing up the horrors-of-it-all on the front page almost daily. But, as far as us kids personally, it was really at that time a non-issue to most of us. Sure there were a few rednecks in the class that didn't get it. But, even though we lived in the deep south the consensus in my 7th grade civics class way back in 1958 was, who cared where someone set to eat. Who cared whether the schools were intergraded. That was a grown-up created problem. Let them solve it. Actually we were more concerned with the attacks on our music.
The black churches had long been critics of "the blues." They hated the fact that it had sprung from gospel music for one thing. I read somewhere once that many of the musicians of the day played the churches on Sunday and the juke joints on Friday and Saturday nights. The black church leaders became more and more vocal against what they called "the devil's music." It should be noted that a few years later many of those who would become the icons of the Civil Rights movement came from these same churches which were attacking this newly integrated music so viciously. The white churches got in on the game, with sermons of hell-fire and damnation to anyone who listened to this "jungle music."
Just to ratchet the chatter up a notch the media got into the fray. As usual when the controllers are trying to force change the first step is always to create a problem. Every negative story about the music and those who make it was blown-up and exploited. In 1955 the movie,
Blackboard Jungle starring Glenn Ford and Anne Francis was released. The movie focused on the growing juvenile delinquent problem that existed in some of our schools. Bill Haley and the Comets song, Rock around the Clock was used as the theme song in the movie. The song soared to number one and was immediately accused of causing juvenile delinquency. Many B-grade movies about the growing juvenile delinquent problem were quickly thrown into the drive-in movie market. All featured wild Rock 'n' Roll music. Rock 'n' Roll would forever after be know as the music of choice of those who rebel against authority. And in fact, it was charged, the music was what caused them to rebel in the first place.
Of course the insecure racist, always looking for someone or something to hate - someone to feel superior too - got into the act, and the media was more than glad to spread the horrors of the trouble rock 'n' roll was causing. Stan Lewis often found KKK material stuck in the front door of his store, Stan's Record Store in Shreveport, Louisiana (2). Like WLAC in Nashville who sold blues records over-the-air for Randy's Record Mart, Stan had his record offers advertised on KWKH.
Other racial extremist got into the act.
The executive secretary of the
Alabama White Citizens Council got right to the point in the early fifties: "The obscenity and vulgarity of the rock-'n-' roll music is obviously a means by which the white man and his children can be driven to the level with the nigger."(2) Newspapers were featuring pictures of pure little white girls dancing and laughing with black boys at concerts and dances, under headlines dripping with fear; telling our parents of the path of destruction this out of control music was leading the nation's pure white innocent youth down .
On the integration/segregation side things were also heating up.
On Thursday, December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks boarded a city bus and sat with three other blacks in the fifth row, the first row that blacks could occupy. A few stops later, the front four rows were filled with whites, and one white man was left standing. According to law, blacks and whites could not occupy the same row, so the bus driver asked all four of the blacks seated in the fifth row to move. Three complied, but Parks refused. She was arrested. (3)
Then came the first published challenge to a segregated state-run school system and the test of a new federal de-segregation law. Nine brave black students registered to go to Little Rock High School for the 1957-58 school year. The Governor of Arkansas used National Guard Troops to stop them at the school house door. The federal government ordered the Guardsmen to be removed. Some of the students in our daily civics class were starting to mimic the thoughts of their parents but most of us were on the side of the law. The law said to admit blacks into previously all white schools so you admitted them, no questions asked. Our teacher explained to the growing number of discontents in our all white class that if the people as a whole want the law to be changed then they most work towards changing it legally.
The next step for the controllers. Turn the flame up a notch on the other front, the musical threat. It was time for the federal government to add some spices and stir the boiling pot a little to get it the way they wanted it. As Wes Smith wrote in The Pied Pipers of Rock 'n' Roll: Radio Deejays of the 50s and 60s (1989):
In august of 1957, Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina set a filibuster record by speaking for twenty-four hours and twenty-seven minutes. His topic? The danger of civil rights legislation. As Kent State University professors Robert D. West and Edmond P. Kaminski point out in their paper, "Radio, Rock-'n-' Roll, and the Civil Rights Movement," the movement was building, and the sides for and against had pretty much been predetermined according to those who favored the black-based sounds of rhythm-and-blues and rock-'n'-roll and those who saw such music as an insidious threat to law and order and the country-club dinner dance. ( 2) - page 18.
Then came payola
As the combined 'evils' of racial unrest and rock 'n' roll continued to grow it only took a small spark to flair things up. When it came to music it was the success of the very pioneers of this new force in society that brought them down, The record producers wanted to insure that their performers were the ones being played over the rockin' money-generating airwaves. As Smith tells us, Every deejay was important in his town. You didn't write off any market if you were promoting a record. (2 - page 29)
He further tells us that the practice of paying off the deejays to plug a certain song or artist begin with small things. A good Havana cigar; a dinner in a high class joint; tickets for shows and concerts in the best seats. But as more and more independent record companies sprang up and as the big companies entered a market . . . The stakes were raised.(2-page 29)
As the end of the 50s approached this barter of favors for airtime, soon to be called payola, reached a feeding frenzy. Large sums of cash, top-of-the-line automobiles, trips to exotic places and even condominiums and expensive homes became the payoff from record promoters to top market deejays to play their music. The industry had become so big they felt they would never fall. The controllers however, had different ideas. But they were patient. And they waited.
Then the deejays had a convention in Miami Florida. It was a party to end all parties and it gave the controllers the chance they needed. Through the use of the media and several high profile Federal and Congressional "investigations" the free wheeling days of the Deejays presenting the music they personally wanted to play for their audiences was over. Allen Freed was devastated.
Now the station management and eventually the large record producers decided what was to be played on the air through the use of the daily "play list." Disc jockeys were, and still are for the most part, given a list of what records are to be played during their programs. A list they cannot deviate from. Today a lot of music programming is totally pre-recorded and is played over and over in the same loop.
In January of 1961 I quit high school and followed the call of the new president, John Kennedy, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," joined the US paratroopers and ended up stationed in the Panama Canal where we could keep an eye on the evil Fidel Castro.
In December of 1963 I returned from Panama and was discharged into a different world musically. The era of Rock 'n' Roll was over. The music that had been integrating America's youth naturally had once again been segregated. Little Richard had chunked his jewelry into Sidney Bay, quit Rock 'n' Roll and started to sing gospel. Chuck Berry had legal problems and wasn't performing. The white Rock 'n' Roll "bad boys" were all gone. Jerry Lee Lewis was blackballed and The hip shaking, "wild" Elvis Presley had been sent off to the Army in 1958 to be reborn in 1960 as the clean cut young man that every mother would like her daughter to marry (if she couldn't have him herself). The 'Roll' of Rock 'n' Roll had been removed and 'Rock' had been taken over by a group of photogenic white boys, like Fabien, Jimmy Clanton and Johnny Rivers. Black musicians went off to Detroit to join with other black musicians to create the Motown and Soul sounds, and the blues was being saved from obscurity by British rock groups like the Rolling Stones and John Mayall's Blues Breakers.
And the federal government, through the use of Federal court, was gaining more and more control of the local school systems. By 1979 the control of the local school systems was in the hands of the Federal government. According to the definition given on Wikipedia, The United States Department of Education (also referred to as ED, for Education Department) is a Cabinet-level department of the United States government. Created by the Department of Education Organization Act (Public Law 96-88), it was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on October 17, 1979 and began operating on May 4, 1980.
While those in control will continue to argue that the control of what is taught in our "free" school systems is in the hands of local government, these local governments have become totally dependent on federal money. And you don't get that money without doing things according to federal "guidelines." It is those guidelines which have undermined the education of our youth. But don't take my word for it. Here, let a student of the 21st century show you just a little dab of what's going on in our schools. Youtube report:New World Order Being Taught In Schools .
In the end all of our citizens lose. Had we been left alone to work out our own problems maybe, just maybe, things would be a lot different now. I believe in our country and our people. I also believe that the common love of good music can bring people together and work miracles in helping one to understand others. Had we been allowed to continue in the direction that our music was taking us without interference from the controllers it's just possible that today we would recognize and respected each others rights equally as fellow Americans. Instead we are a divided nation, a hyphen-nation, Afro-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Irish-Americans etc. splitting us up into different ethnic societies. Divide and conquer. It worked.
It is highly likely that had we followed the natural flow and blending of our peoples music that today we would all just be Americans working together to improve the lives of all our people. Maybe that's just wishful thinking. But because the controllers plan was to further divide and conquer our people by race in order to gain total control of our educational system we never got the chance to find out what might have been.
As a good man once said,
Can't we all just get along?
I've just got one thing to say to the New World Order crowd. Thanks for the help, you bastards!

Greil Marcus; Mystery Train: Images of America in Rock 'n' Roll Music; (1975); E.P. Dutton & Co.
Wes. Smith; The Pied Pipers of Rock-'n'-Roll: Radio Deejays of the 50s & 60s; ( 1989); Longstreet Press.
The Montgomery Bus Boycott
Historical Perspective:

Dear Fellow Constituent:
The George W. Bush Presidential Library is now in the planning stages and
accepting donations.

The Library will include:
The Hurricane Katrina Room, which is still under construction.
The Alberto Gonzales Room, where you won't be able to remember anything.
The Texas Air National Guard Room, where you don't even have to show up.
The Walter Reed Hospital Room, where they don't let you in.
The Guantanamo Bay Room, where they don't let you out.
The Weapons of Mass Destruction Room, which no one has been able to find.
The National Debt Room, which is huge and has no ceiling.
The Tax Cut Room, with entry only to the wealthy.
The Economy Room, which is in the toilet.
The Iraq War Room. (After you complete your first visit, they make you go
back for a second, third, fourth, and sometimes fifth visit.)
The Dick Cheney Room, in the famous undisclosed location, complete with
shotgun gallery.
The Environmental Conservation Room, still empty.
The Gift Shop, where you can buy an election.
The Men's Room, where you can meet some of your favorite Republican
The Decider Room, complete with dart board, magic 8-ball, Ouija board, dice,
coins, and straws.
The library will feature an electron microscope to help you locate and view
the President's accomplishments.
The library will also include many famous quotes by George W. Bush:
'The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country.'
'If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure.'
'Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a
mother and child.'
'No senior citizen should ever have to choose between
prescription drugs and medicine.'
'I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom
and democracy - but that could change.'
'One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor,
and that one word is 'to be prepared."
'Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.'
'I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good
judgments in the future.'
'The future will be better tomorrow.'
'We have the best educated American people in the world.'
'One of the great things about books is sometimes there are
some fantastic pictures.' (during an education photo-op)
'Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of
not having it.'
'We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.'
'It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the
impurities in our air and water that are doing it.'
'I stand by all the misstatements that I've made.'
Jack Abramoff, Co-Chair
G.W. Bush Library Board of Directors

Last page
Selected Short Subjects

Return with me now to those care free days of MY youth:
Nothing but the Blues Videos
Robert Johnson- Crossroad The "Father" of the Blues
Crossroads movie blues guitar clip 1
Howlin' Wolf - How Many More Years
Muddy Waters-hoochie coochie man
Muddy Waters & James Cotton - Got My Mojo Working
Linda Hopkins--They Raided The Joint
Harptones--OO Wee Baby
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer - John Lee Hooker
I got a Whole Lotta Lovin’ by B.B. King
Bye, Bye Bird - Sonny Boy Williamson II
Mississippi John Hurt - You got to walk that lonesome valley
Big Bill Broonzy - Guitar Shuffle
Harptones--Mambo Boogie
Original version of HOUND DOG by Big Mama Thornton
Chuck Berry - Maybellene
Little Richard - Send Me Some Lovin’
Shirley & Lee - Let the Good Times Roll
Eric Clapton & Buddy Guy - Sweet Home Chicago
Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - Key to the Highway
Hit the Road Jack - Ray Charles

Hollywood: The propaganda Machine:
Vintage teenage movies
(Passion Pit Fonder)
Correspondence: dennis.Crenshaw@gmail.com
~ ~ ~ 30 ~ ~ ~


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